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Warning: parts of this chapter can get a little graphic so I will put * around the parts that are if you want to skip them
(Y/n)'s pov:

Once I got back to the safe room I quickly shut the door and brethes a sign of relief.

I took my backpack off and set I down on a table that was located in the safe room. I open it up and put the food and most of the drinks away.

I decided to leave the medical supplies in my bag because it seemed like a good thing to keep on me.

Maybe I should sit down and relax for a little while I said to myself. I layed down on the couch and stared off into space.

I was just about to fall asleep when I herd multiple shots fired off in the distance. It sounded like it was rather close so I decided to go check it out.

Hopefully I'll find people you thought to yourself. Or at least there guns it would be nice to have one again after my father's got taken from me.

Grabing your bag before you leave you headed torwds where the shots where coming from.

The shooting had long since stopped but your figurd it would be worth it anyways to check out.

You had arrived at the location that you believed was where to noise came from. It at least appeared so, there were dead infected everywhere but there was no people in site.

You look around to see if they had left anything. Sadly You weren't able to find anything useful. You began to walk off when you heard the growls and groan of a small group of infected. You look around for somewhere so hide and saw an old warehouse.

That will have to work you said as you snoke off torwds it. You slipped inside and closed the door quietly behind you.

You walk further in to the warehouse to gain as much distance from the infected as possible.

You walk in look at the old walls as you walk. When something caught your attention and made you stop dead on your tracks.

There was a hunter laying on the floor he appeared to be injured. There was a small pool of blood around him and his breathing was shaky.

You were rather curious of him so you stepped closer he had appeared to be sleeping until then.

But he noticed you he growled and attempted to get into a position that he could pounce.

But he fell back to the ground with a yelp and whimpers. You must be in pain you said as you stepped closer to him.

Should I help him you thought to yourself. It looks like he got shot. Why am I even considering this he a special infected you thought to yourself as you got down on your knees next to him.

I'm going to try and help you ok you said as your reached for the bottom of his hoodie.

He winally growl and you but didn't move much. You keep your eyes on him until you had his hoodie pulled up over the wound to make sure he didn't try and attack you.

You look down at his side to see that he had three wounds on it. It look like you got hit with a scatter shot of a shotgun you said to him.

That means the bullets are probably still in there you said. Crap I'm going to have to get them out you thought to yourself.

You grabbed your bag and got out the pocket knife bandages and something to clean the wound.

You turnd around with the stuff and set it down next to him. You picked up the bottle of disinfectant and went to put some of the wound he flinched and whined before you got close enough to.

It's ok I know this is going to hurt but we have to get the bullet out or you might die. You dumped some of it on the wound then turned and grabbed the knife.

*I'm really sorry you whispered to him as you stuck the tip of the knife into the wound to try and get the bullet out. He yelp and whined it was obviously hurting him.*

Your where finally able to get the first one out. There I got the first one why don't we give you a break before I get the other to you said.

He whined in response and layed his head down. You prepared the bandages for when you where done and slightly reconsider what you were doing. But decided to continue on anyways.

You turned to him hey we have to do the last two alright.

He sighed and turn his head away from me. Alright come on let's get it over with.

*time ship cuz I dont want to make the book to graphic with the other two*

You wrapped the bandages around him as he whimped. You still in pain you asked. Makes since hold on I think I have something. You get into your bag and pulled out the pill from the store. You take two out and hand it to him.

Take those it will help with the pain you said. He took them from you the ate them. Then he layed back down and fell asleep shortly after.

You wach him for awhile before you got tired and layed down to fall asleep aswell.

Not Quite Gone (L4d hunter x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz