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*Before I start thank you to those who are reading the story I really hope your are injoying it so far please feel free to leave comments I don't even care if there not related to the story I just love interacting with people who read my books agian thank you and injoy.*

Walking towds the the end of the alley way the leads to the safe room. As you approach the corner you stop a peek around to see if there are any infected around.

Surprisingly there where none to be found. Just a few days before they  scourged the streets mindlessly look for there next victim.

You stepped out on to the battered streets. Walking down them quickly you noticed a store that had seemingly been unraided.

Walking up to the door and reaching out for the handle when you stop yourself.

You thought about it and look through the tiny sliding window on the door. Luckily you did because you notice a small white box attached to the wall above the door.

A door alarm. you said to yourself as you looked at it. You backed up from the door and pulled on the small window slightly.

It popped open with no noise so you slide it up more and reached for the door nob. You open it slowly and let the door swing open itself.

And it did so with a small creek. You stepped into the shop and look around you. It didn't appear to have any infected in it.

It was a rather small convenience store it had 3 Ile shelfs and one that sat against the back wall.

You rushed to the first shelf and gathered any water bottles and and unexpired food you could find.

You headed to the next shelf and were lucky enough to find some medical supplies. There where disinfectant, bandages, pain medication and some other general medical supplies.

You where ready to head to the next shelf when you decide to check behind the front counter first.

You ducked under the front counter and were able to find a pokect knife and a baseball bat.

Satisfied with your findings behind the counter you went to get back up when sundanly you heard and coughing and walking.

You peek over the counter to see a smoker walking out from the behind the third shelf. You ducked back down quickly in hopes he didn't see you.

He continues to walk around, you crawled towards the front door that you left open in attempts to get out unnoticed.

You where just a few feet away from the when you heard a crunch you look down you had placed you hand on a crunched up peace of paper.

You turn to see if the smoker had noticed. He was stareing directly at you. He seemed to almost have an unamused look on his face bit you ignored that consider they couldn't feel anything. Right?

I was just leaving you said with a nervous laugh. He then tried to catch up with his tounge but it missed when you ducked.

You quickly got up and ran out the door closing it behind you. You ran off down the street and stopped at the corner of it.

You decide to take a short break then head back to the safe room where you have been staying.

Smoker's pov:

Damn I missed well wasted going to hurt her anyways just wanted to scare her I thought to myself.

What was that? hunter said as he came out from the back room stretching out after wakingup from his nap. Nothing a girl just got in here so I scared her off.

Why didn't you call me I could of helped he said in a wighy tone. Well I didn't want to scared her to death I said in a smart tone.

He walk to the the front window and looked out before heading to the door and opening it.

Where are you going? I asked him. I'm going to go follow her for awhile he said. Why? Because I bored and want to see where she goes. Fine im not helping you if you get hurt agian.

I'm not going to get hurt he said confidently as he Sprange out the door.

Hunters pov:

I jumped out the door and looked to see witch way the girl went. I wasn't able to see her so I sniffed the air. I caught a very sweet and gentle sent. That has to be her it's the only different smell around here I said to myself.

I followed it for a while but had lost it I climb up a building to see if I could catch a glimpse of her but I wasn't able to.

I began to head down when I heard shots being fired and people yelling and laughing.

That couldn't be good I growled to myself. As I jump to a build closer to the group of people making noise. I was able to find the group of people.

They looked like raider the were destroying a car that was left in the middle of the street and killing anything that came near them.

Definitely raiders I said to myself as I crouched down hoping they wouldn't see me on the building.

I was wrong tho, one of them look up and in a panic yelled hunter they all stumbled and ready there guns.

Crap what do I do?

Not Quite Gone (L4d hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now