Extra chap: Anna Fang

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"Mei, use this new name. There, no one can pronounce the Chinese name."

The girl called Mei received a file containing a new identity, on which the name "Anna Fang" was written.

After the mission that seemed to be the last one, her team had only eight people left. The survivors, including her, were given a new identity and assigned to different places to continue receiving the organization's mission. Whatever, they won't let them go so easily. At least it's better when we can go somewhere else, not the battlefield.

*From here, all the characters speak English.

"What's your name?"

"Anna. How about you?"

"Call me Rose."


"What do you do?"

"Killing people."

"What a coincidence! I do the same thing."

Fang Mei first met Rose in a lesbian bar. Since she came to Europe, she has really understood the great cultural difference between the East and the West. But one of the assassin's hidden skills is being attuned to the natives. So, no matter how shocking something was when she first realized it, she had to adapt, or at least pretend to adapt, immediately. Including same-sex relationships.

Between men-men and women-women, she didn't expect that there was also love and sex! At first, she didn't believe it, but over time, doing many tasks, she also became familiar with many gay bars throughout the countries she went to.

At that time, Mei only considered Rose as another one-night stand. But nobody knows if she did it on purpose or if God really arranged that the two of them had many "accidental" times: by chance, meeting again at another bar—in a different country and outside the bar—by chance, sharing the same drink. same perfume, coincidentally do the same job (according to what she said).

Fang Mei didn't believe in a lot of coincidences, but she didn't believe that she followed either. Fang Mei had never met a master who could investigate an assassin like her or track her without being noticed.


Fang Mei was half-sitting on the window, looking at the person lying on the bed: her bare back revealed almost albino white skin and bright blonde hair arbitrarily on the pillow.

"She even called Rose, is she the white rose reincarnated?"

Fang Mei smoked while wondering.

The girl moved slightly, seemingly awake. She sat up, the thin blanket sliding off her body, revealing every inch of skin.

After locating the other's shadow lying on the bed from behind, Rose stood up and walked over to Mei without bothering to cover her body, snatching the cigarette from her mouth.

"Standing in front of me like this...you want to do it again?" Mei looked at the opposite person from top to bottom; the voice did not show any emotion.

"If you still can, do it by yourself! I'm already old, I want to rest more."

The smoke caressed their faces. Eye to eye, then they both laugh.

Sometimes working, sometimes making love, no burdens, no worries about money... Fang Mei finds her life satisfying enough. She didn't need to ask for a "normal life" like everyone else. Life as it is now is "normal" and very comfortable.

Sex partners can be changed, but jobs cannot be changed.

Well, she doesn't need to change her partner now. In case she can't find someone else who matches her better than this one...

"Anna, have you ever wanted to have a normal life: fall in love, get married, have a steady job?"

Rose interrupted her train of thought.

"Oh, I just complimented her!" Mei started to lose interest.

"We've made it clear that we're just FWB. I won't fall in love, so don't change your mind."

"Cold blooded!"

"Thank you for the compliment. You too."

"Oh, so I have to thank you too." Rose replied sarcastically.


"Aren't we at first satisfied with this relationship because the other is also cold-blooded?"

Mei watched the other man fiddle with her cigarette for a long time without answering. She was not impatient, but she had never seen this girl hesitate like this.

"You are right. However, my current life is not what I chose. Perhaps I will soon change jobs—a job with less money but also simpler—and then spend time making friends, falling in love, or maybe getting married. But I think marrying you is not a bad idea. We get along very well in bed, our feelings can slowly develop after."

"Go find someone else to nurture your feelings."

"If I really go find someone else, you'll have to worry about finding another one.

I promise, I'll not cheat on you, honey!"


The two parted ways in front of Rose's house. Mei just turned away when she heard the sound of the wind tearing, followed by "doang".

In less than a second, she turned around, catching the falling body. A bullet lodged in Rose's temple.

Horrified, Rose's eyes were still wide open. Those surprised and unjust eyes... Her hands already held her body, but her brain was still paralyzed for a few seconds.

As soon as she regained her senses, Mei immediately observed around and found the killer's location.

"That building." She locked her eyes on a mid-rise building on the opposite side, put the body down, and ran at full speed there.

"I must catch that person!" For a long time, Mei had guessed that Rose was no way a normal person. She is too mysterious and skilled. She must have been trained in the military, or maybe like Mei, an assassin.

In one moment, Mei had a thought: if they are the same, then they can live their whole lives like that...together.

And the life that Rose wanted, Mei was still considering. No one was allowed to take her away.

The person who shot Rose, Fang Mei, finally did not catch up. When she returned, the police were carrying her body away. To avoid trouble, she decided not to show herself.

Her brows furrowed as she watched the stretcher.

Due to a shock while transporting, Rose's hand was exposed, and a white rose fell out.

Fang Mei was surprised and scared. There were many question marks in her head, mixed with a strange pain.

"If they wanted to crush the flowers, I would bury the whole garden and the garden keeper with you."

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