Chapter 12 - An Unlikely Savior

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"No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others

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"No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others."

― Shannon L. Alder

Jung Woo stuck his face in the water drum to cool off his boiling temper, which obviously didn't help for now he was shivering. As a result, he was gasping audibly while he pulled up and wiped his face with his hands which quickly turned blue very much like his face. "Idiot," he cursed himself while heading begrudgingly toward the nurse's tents. Had he forgotten it was the dead of winter?

During the rest of the day, he avoided Tae Yong as much as he could. It was silly and petty of him but still he let his emotions rule over him. He knew he shouldn't, yet the fact that he had seen Tae Yong and Doctor Song in the woods...

Fuming, Jung Woo stomped... yes stomped off to pull the woman aside, intending to admonish her and give her a piece of his mind in strong words. He would insist that he reproved of her behavior but then stopped mid-way. Why must he do that? He had no business poking around, following them at an unnoticeable distance anyway. Besides, he had no real idea if the doctor was indeed taking advantage of the patient, though she had been known to had done that once or twice before. She was never censured for the need for doctors were greater than sexual harassment.

Still, the look on Tae Yong's face with his eyes closed and a crease between his brows should indicate pleasure, shouldn't it? All the more, why was he so upset about it anyway? The doctor was a woman and Tae Yong was a man. There was nothing blatantly wrong about a man and a woman 'coupling' in the woods. Not unless the person who wished to protest and was fuming was actually boiling with envy and jealousy.

The thought made Jung Woo pause from pulling a clean, dry t-shirt over his head. A very distinct expletive was released from his mouth. Some of the nurses resting in their respective spaces within the relatively large tent jumped at his cussing. This is stupidity, he thought. It must stop. He shall be professional once more and not let his feelings overcome him. It never happened before so to feel it now was unnerving.

With his resolve steeled, he shall squash any untoward behavior and simply 'dismiss' Tae Yong and... whatever he felt for his patient. Ignoring the curious stares from his colleagues he stormed out of the tent with a look of determination.

The medical convoy blasted out of the camp, unsettling the thin patches of snow on the muddy tracks. Jung Woo felt his luck slump all the way to his feet and beneath for he was stuck for a couple of hours inside the very truck Tae Yong was in. He couldn't very well disobey orders by not joining the convoy, and he was needed back at the hospital, just to avoid Tae Yong.

Jung Woo glanced at his patient sitting across him surreptitiously, noticing how beautiful the man was, eyes closed looking almost serene. He wasn't surprised Doctor Song wanted a sampling of this fine specimen for he would too. How Jung Woo would have loved to savor those delicate lines of the cupid's bow lips curling up at the corner almost seductively.

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