chapter 2~

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After what happened, Taehyung felt observed and followed... fortunately, he felt a little bit safe with his parents near..

In the car, he kept looking at the sky...

That was normal.. everything was normal.. he had this will to tell his parents the phenomen he witnessed but deeply inside, he knew they will never believe his words..

Who will though...

And this voice... it was definitely Jungkook's. They spent enough time together for Taehyung to recognize his fiance's voice among millions of people.

But maybe, he was hallucinating as his parents thought?  Maybe..

He was not good mentally after all...

The little family arrived at a restaurant some moments after.

They had the mission to make Taehyung eating something. He looked Skinnier which worried alot his parents.

Mrs Kim:  Tae?  What would you like to eat?

Tae:  Mhm?

Mr Kim:  We came here for you.

Tae:  I... I don' t know... I 'm not hungry.

Mrs Kim:  Taehyung. You'll have to eat sweetheart. It's not possible anymore.

Tae:  Why are you guys forcing me so much?  Can't you just leave me alone and let me do my mourning peacefully?  Am I not allowed to be sad?? 

Mrs Kim:  We never said such a thing Taehyung.

Mr Kim:  We just want you to feel better.

Tae:  Feel better....  how am I supposed to do that? 

Mrs Kim:  We all miss Jungkook. We know how you feel.

Taehyung's throat dried and he licked his lips. How DARE they saying that...

They know how he felt? No one knew how bad he was. Only him felt that pain... that deep pain....

Tae:  You don't know anything. Taehyung replied looking at his parents with straight face.

He stood up and walked away.

Mr Kim:  Taehyung! KIM TAEHYUNG! 

Mr Kim's voice made all the customers quiet and turning to him.

Mrs Kim : We're sorry for the fuss...

Mr Kim rubbed his face and sighed. His wife just held his hand and looked towards the door.

Taehyung got out and sat in a little alley were no one was passing by...

He held his knees and just sat there looking at the wall in front of him...

Everything was bitter.... everything tasted bitter for him.. at that moment, the only thing inside his head was how will he join Jungkook.

A real bad and dangerous thought. As if he couldn't go on.. his life was Jungkook.. the cause of his hapiness vanished all of the sudden.

Nothing is sadder than people who can't  say good bye to the one they loved.. a sudden death is something painful.

Tae:  I hate them all...... I hate everything.... I hate this world...

He hated everything because of imposing him this unbearable pain.

Then, he suddenly felt cold ,  the temperature dropped and he even got a shiver.
He rubbed his arms and stood up..

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