Chapter 5~

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Tarhyung didn't utter a word... he put down his cup of coffee and stared at the ring.

Jin : will you throw it away?

Tae:  Throw it away?

Jin:  Yeah. This thing is a demoniac thing.

TAE: But.... what this ring can do?  He asked already knowing the  answer.

Jin caressed his nose and took the book in his hands.

Jin : Wait... I guess it's here.... well.... hum....

Taehyung stared at him and sniffed...

Tae:  So?  Does it grant you wish?

Jin:  No. It can't.

Tae:  What?

Jin : It doesn't grant wish.. it just give real form to what you desire.

Tae:  It's the same thing that granting wish hyung.

Jin:  well no... when it comes to granting wish, it 's most of the time  good things. This ring brings you what you deeply want, but... we are talking about demons and Satan. It can't be something good. yeah you have what you want. But there is something behind. We don't an exchange. It gives you something but you have to give it Something too.  And that's what's  bad.

Tae:  Okay...

Jin:  You know that I don't really believe in ghost or this kind of stuff.. but for your safety, remove it and throw it far away.

Tae:  Yes but.... you said that it's not confirmed yet...

Jin:  Yes. Since I still have to look for more but you should anyway.

Tae:  .......

Jin:  The only thing that I can't understand is how it ended up with you. I mean, it is supposed to be locked in a box or something.

Taehyung remember clearly where he found it. In the woman's dust... still, his head couldn't accept what Jin was saying.

He knew that was dangerous...still, he brought it home and even wore it.

Tae:  I...I found it somewhere...

Jin:  Where?

Tae:  In a park.. the other day.. and don't worry, nothing happened to me so you might be wrong. It's just a ring. *laugh *

Jin:  Yeah.. maybe I'm wrong. If it didn't hurt you then, maybe it's not the one after all.. hah. I was so tired last night looking for those informations. I'm sleepy now... but I still have my class waiting for me so.. have a nice day Taetae.

Tae:  Yeah. You too hyung.

Jin smiled and got out of the room leaving Taehyung there alone...

Tae:  It did brought me Jungkook.... Does that mean that if I throw it away, Jungkook will vanish with it?  He wondered as his eyes got teary...

He didn't know what to do anymore... everything jin said was true.. he was sure that it was true but something was blocking him to throw this ring away.. and that thing was love.... love for Jungkook.

He sniffed and wiped his tears away, then, he got out of the school...

He came back home where Jungkook was waiting for him.

JK:  Tae!

Taehyung just smiled softly while looking at Jungkook. A  tear escaped from his eye.

JK: Ah?  Why are you crying?  Jungkook asked as he caressed Taehyung's cheek.

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