Chapter 10 ( Final )

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I woke up with a terrible headache...

I gulped and looked around... It was blurred at first and when it cleared up, I saw Aunt Lane and Aunt Sol next to me..

They were holding each of my hands...

Tae: Aunt..... I said with a struggle.

Lane: Are you okay? *smile*

Tae: I don't know.. I feel very tired.

Sol: That's normal. Don't worry. After what you went throught.. We are relieved that you are just tired..

My mouth was dried...

Tae: Can I have some water....

Aunt Lane immediately stood up and poured water in a cup for me.

Sol made me sit. My body was hurting so much...

Tae: Thank you....

They stayed quiet just staring at me...

Tae: Gosh.. That's refteshing..

Sol: You fainted at the cemetery.

Lane: Do you remember what happened earlier?

Of course I did... How could I even forget that...

Tae: Yeah....

Sol: He is gone Taehyung. And the baby with him.


I felt horrible....actually I got attached to that baby inside me.

Even more when I found out that he was half from Jungkook... The real one.

Tae: Do you you think I did the right choice?

Lane: Why are you even asking??  That was a demon. Do you think you would have survived much time?  I don't think so. You would have ended up like my sister.

Tae: .........

Sol: You did the right choice Taehyung. Don't regret...

I nodded and sighed.. Then,  Ha Ram went throught my mind..

I closed my eyes and put my head back down....

Sol: What's wrong..

Despite of me, my tears began to fall slowly...

Tae: He is dead.. Isn't he?

Lane: Who are you talking about?

Tae:*sniff* Ha Ram.. Jungkook killed him. Right?

Sol: Who is that Ha Ram?

Lane: It's a boy who saved our lives... She said as she caressed my hand.

Tae:*sob* What am I supposed to tell his family.....

Sol: .......

Tae: That he got killed by a demom in order to save me??

Lane: We're so sorry...

Tae: He didn't deserve to die... Ha Ram was the sweetest person ever....

Sol: Maybe it was his fate.

Tae: I 'm so sick of this so called "fate".  Jungkook and now Ha Ram.. What did I do wrong??

Sol: Taehyung. Stop blamming yourself for everything that happens.

Tae:*crying *

Sol pulled me In a hug and kissed my forehead.

Sol: You're brave and strong Taehyung... Keep your chin up.  You have a long life ahead you. Full of love and joy.

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