with all my heart ❤ fukase x yandere reader

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Ok, so this is my first wattpad story so if I eat sh1t tell me lol anyway enjoy 🤭

(First person)

"God it's morning already..?"
I didn't get much sleep last night, I couldnt go to sleep due to the excitement that I'm gonna be starting high-school now

I get up from my bed and open my window to get some light in, luckily the weathers nice on the first day of school

I get dressed have breakfast and do all my morning rituals then I go outside and see Flower and Oliver waiting for me

"Y/N!!! Finally!" Flower shouted from across my lawn

I run to Oliver and Flower and we begin walking to school

"Hey so..."

Flower and Oliver look at me

"Are you guys nervous..? At all?"

"I guess I kind of am.. I'm scared people might be mean.." Oliver replied

"Hey don't worry about it! If anyone bullies you ill break their ancles!" Flower said to us

I smile at Flowers comment, it makes me feel better that flower cares enough to let anything bad happen to us.

We finally arrive at the school while I feel slightly overwhelmed as I look at the huge school before me.

"Wow! Its humongous!" I yelled

We all look around and we see some familiar faces, Miku, Teto, Meiko, Rin, Len, Kaito and..

"Fukase!" I yell out while running towards him

"Y/N!" Fukase used back at me

I stop in front of fukase while panting a bit, running isn't really my thing

"Fukase! I missed you during summer break! How was it for you?"

"It was sorta boring didn't do all that much" said fukase

"Oh hehe.. well at least your here now!" I reply

"Yeah im super excited for high-school! I can't wait to see everything they've got here!" Said fukase

"By the way Y/N-"

Just then the bell rang bc of course it did 🙄

"Oh I've gotta get to my class now! I'll see you later!"
I began running to get to my class

(Time skip brought to you by miku daiyo)

First period was over and I get to my second class. When I walk in I see Fukase!

I blushed a bit, I was pretty happy to see him.

"Hey Y/N over here!" Fukase yelled

I go to sit in the chair beside him

"H-hey Fukase!" I said while trying to not make it obvious I was blushing.

"So Y/N I was wondering if-" but before fukase could finish his sentence the teacher walked in

"Alright everyone welcome to (insert a school name cus idfk) this will be your first day of highschol so why don't we introduce ourselves."

A few kids raised there hands first to introduce themselves, I decided ide go next because I wanna be less shy.

I walk to the front of the class and look at the teacher

"Tell us your name and a bit about yourself." The teacher said

"Hi! I'm Y/N L/N I came from (insert another school name 😶) I'm super excited to meet you all!"

Wow I actually did it... I go to sit back at my seat and fukase looks in my direction

"Wow I don't remember you being so being so fearless"
Fukase said while smiling

"Haha yeah.." dammit his smile is so precious istg-

Then fukase went up and introduced himself next

"Hi I'm Fukase! I cane from (Insert the same school u went to) and I am the meme lord"

The whole class laughed at fukases speech as he went to go sit back down

"Alright I think that was everyone. Since its the first day I prepared a film we could watch together!"

The whole class seemed pretty excited sbd luckily it was a pretty good movie and not one of those extremely childish and educational ones.

Eventually the bell rang and I walked to lunch with Fukase.

I stared deep into his deep cherry colored eyes and admired his beauty while trying to make it not so obvious I was looking right at him.

Then we went to lunch and we sat with Oliver, Rin, Len, and Flower. ʘ‿ʘ

"Hey so Y/N what i was gonna ask earlier was if you wanted to come hang out at my house this weekend with all of us?"

I blushed a bit at him inviting me ide been to his house before but for some reason this time in particular something felt different.

"S-sure! What time? What day exactly?" I asked

Fukase answered my questions and we just continued talking about normal stuff we always talked about.

It was only a half day that day and so we went home after that. I walked home with Flower and Oliver as I  usually did.

"You were blushing so hard today!" Flower teased

"I was not!" I yelled embarrassed

"ooo you have such a humongous crush on hiiim!"
Flower continued

"Stop embrassasing me!" I yelped back in response

"Yeag Flower be nice!" Oliver chimed in

"Yeah Flower be nice." I said with an evil grin on my face

Flower looked away a bit embrassed grumbling

"Okay bye bye now!" I said when we had reached my house.

I threw myself onto my bed

"What a day" I thought

I blushed thinking about Fukase, he's the highlight of my day. My favorite person in the whole wide world.

"And that's why.."

I walked over to my closet swinging it open to reveal my shrine to fukase  with all my 42 pictures of him and several items I've.. "collected" from him over the years with a single red candle illuminating my prized possessions.

"You will be mine!"

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