With all my heart ❤ (prt2)

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About a week had gone by and it was time to go to fukase's hang out party thing or whatever in about an hour.

I packed my bags bringing a spare change of clothes in case I'd need them, my phone and charger, a sleeping bag, some brownie mix for baking! And a small pocket knife and some rat poison! just in case~

I then headed my way to fukase's house which was a block or two away from mine. I walked with just Oliver since Flower was already there.

''so are you excited?'' I asked Oliver

''yeah! I wonder what we'll do..'' he responded

for some reason I was more excited than ever. An odd feeling came over me.. It felt like more than love, more than excitement.. Something else entirely perhaps-

''hey are you ok?''

I looked down at Oliver who had a worried expression while looking up at me.

''O-oh! Im just fine!'' I quickly said

''Are you sure..? Your hands are shaking a lot.'' Oliver said as he pointed to my hands which were indeed shaking

''O-oh! Im just a little nervous I guess..'' I quickly responded

''Well ok then..'' Oliver said as we continued walking

We finally reached Fukase's house. As we went inside we saw everyone there Flower, Len and Rin all watching TV

''Oh Y/N Oliver!'' Fukase ran over to greet us

''Come watch this movie I found with us! Its super good!'' he said


I went to go sit down with all of them. I sat next to Fukase I didnt know what to do.. Should I make a move or something..?

I slowly rested my head on Fukase's shoulder, he didnt notice for awhile until he looked in my directing. He began blushing quite a bit, a deep red formed on his cheeks.

''O-oh! u-uhm.. Y/N..-'' Fukase muttered

''Awh your blushing so much! Its kind of cute!'' I said

I then poked his rosey red cheek causing him to blush even more

he tried to turn his attention back to movie but couldnt stop staring at me! I've never felt so close to him~

After awhile the movie ended and we started playing some video games on a nintendo switch Fukase owned. Rin Fukase Len and Flower were battling each other in super smash bros while me and Oliver watched to ePiK battle B)

''Your turn Y/N!'' Flower handed me the remote thingy

''H-huh?'' I was caught off gaurd by this I didnt know to play!

I sort of was on the side not really battling while the others were fighting to the literal daeath, until Fukase died

''DAMMIT I HATE YOU LEN!'' Fukase screamed

''Should've payed more attention!'' Len teased

I then weirdly felt.. Angry.. This was just some game but.. I felt a need to avenge Fukase in some sort of way

I charged my little smash bros character at Lens and attacked him ruthlessly

''WOAH Y/N SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET SO POWERFUL?!'' Len yelled in surprise

I didnt respond. All I was focused on was defeating the person who defeated my beloved.. Maybe he'd even notice me! Or possibly thank me! Was that why im doing this..? for his attention..?

I quickly gave Len a game over and as he cried in defeat Fukase looked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder

All that anger I had suddenly felt.. Just melted away.. And was replaced with pure sweet love for my beautiful beloved Fukase!

''Good job Y/N I always remember you being bad at this game, you most have improved a lot!'' he praised me

I blushed and just said ''W-well I just practiced a little.. Its really nothing!''

Awhile later we had dinner. Fukase had ordered pizza, we all digged into the delicous cheesy delicacy before us 😩

I then noticed a bit of pizza on fukase' cheek.. This was my chance! I could do that one cute thing couples do!

I quickly reached for a napkin but then..-

''Fukase you have something on your cheek!'' Rin spoke up

''Huh where?'' Fukase asked

''Here let me..'' Rin said as she whiped the mess off Fukase's Face.

''haha.. Thanks Rin!'' Fukase said whilst blushing a little.

I stared bankly at the scene that just happened.. Right in front on me.. That b1tch.. How dare she! I have to get my revenge.. b-but how..?

I then remember the rat poison and brownies I had brought!

''Hey fukase!'' I said

''yeah Y/N?'' he answered

''I brought this brownie mix with me. I was wondering if you'd wanted to bake some with me!'' I said sweetly

''Hell yeah! Lets go!'' he said excitedly

We then began baking. I brought out the brownie mix and hid the rat poison in my pocket, we added eggs some flour and all the other ingredients for brownies!

We then put it all into the baking pan. This is my chance to distract him!

''Hey Fukase! I accidently left some chocolate chips in my bag, Could you go get them for me?

''Alright! Ill be right back!'' He said while running to go get the chocolate chips.

Nows my chance! Ill add the rat poison to the brownies, and remember where I put them to give to Rin!

I quickly added the poison into the top right corner of the brownie mix inside the baking pan.

''Im back Y/N!'' Fukase said as he returned with the chocolate chip bag.

''Good! Lets add lots!'' I replied

We added the chocolate chips and put the brownies into the oven. I was so happy! My victory now is guaranteed! I smiled happily.

''Now we wait.'' Said Fukase

''Yes..'' I replied...

We then headed over tp Fukase's room to wait till the brownies were done. We just sat and talked and showed each other meme on our phones.

I watched Fukase and Rin closely. I hated whenever they'd look at each other or one would look in the others direction.

I wanted Fukase so bad.... I really wanted him.. I needed him.. Luckily, I wont be waiting much longer.

Finally the brownies were done. I cut each of them a piece, giving Rin the tainted one.

Awhile after eating, Rin began gagging, drool foaming out of her mouth as she clenched her stomach

''Rin? Rin are you ok!?'' Len asked while trying to see what was wrong.

Not long after she stopped moving and fell over.

''I-is s-she.. D-d-dead...?'' Oliver stuttered

''Someone call the police!'' Flower yelled!

Len pulled out his phone and dialed 911. I smiled happily, she was gone. I can have Fukase all to myself!

Not long after the police arrived. I had to put on my sad acting skills and fake cry being all like

''I-I dont know who could do such a thing! She never deserved this!'' blah blah blah

Everyone left Fukase's house early, as Rins body was taken away.

Except for me. I stayed with Fukase.

He was very shooken up. Shaking looking down being all wide and tear-y eyed. I hugged him and he began crying into my shoulder

''W-what happened..? Who could do this..?!'' he cried

''I dont know.. But Im sure the police will find out and bring this criminal to justice!'' I said trying to cheer him up.

''She was fine until she ate the brownie.. But we were the only ones in the kitchen making them..''

I knew I had to make up an excuse, or else he'll find out!

''Well actually..'' I said

''Len entered the room while you were getting to chocolate chips. He said he was getting a snack.. Perhaps sometime when I looked away he..'' I stopped my sentence to make it seem more like I was acting and forced some more tears out my eyes

Fukase looked at me, frightened.

''We need to tell the police!'' He said

''Your right'' I agreed

''But they said they cant take us in for questioning until tommorrow..'' He said

''Right...'' I said trying to sound scared

''Y/N.. Could you stay with me for the night.. Please..? I dont wanna be alone..'' he said

I was ecstatic to hear this! I was so excited. Just one night, with me and Fukase? Alone? Together? I couldnt have been given better news!

''Of course! In fact.. I dont wanna be alone either..'' I said

''Ok.. Thank you Y/N'' he said to me trying to smile slightly.

hehe ima end this chapter now lol! im so evil grr ill try to make part 3 soon.

Vocaloid oneshots! ❤️💙💛Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα