Yandere fukase x reader prt 2 ❤

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(Your POV)

I cried as Fukase held me in his arms, the police are currently working on finding out who murdered Gakupo. I havent been able to calm down I'm so scared..

''It'll be okay [name].. The police will find out who did it I'm sure.'' Fukase said to me in an attempt to comfort me.

''B..But what if they dont..? What is someone else dies...?'' I said trembling at the thought

''It'll be okay.. I promise I wont let anyone or anything hurt you..'' Fukase replied kissing my forehead.

''Thank you Fukase.. Really..'' I said wiping some of my tears.

Fukase continued brushing his fingers lightly threw my hair, it was really late by now and I was starting to get tired I eventually drifted off to sleep as Fukase peacefully brushed my hair and held me tight.

(Fukase POV)

I slowly got up as to not awake [name] and paced around my room, what was I gonna do? What if their onto me..? There no way they'd be but what if..

I then got a msg from the group chat, it was from Kaito he updated us saying the police havent been able to find a murder weapon, well thats a good thing at least they wont be able to track any finger prints..

But someone else had witnessed Gakupo walking to the park where we had met before I well.. Ended him. Their gonna try to figure out why he was going there what am I gonna do about that.. What if someone witnessed me going there as well..? What am I gonna do..

(in the group chat)

Fukase: omg.. Thats horrible anything else?

Kaito: Well.. While they were investigating they found a note in his jacket telling him to meet him at the park. I bet whoever wrote that note is the murderer..

I put down my phone, FUCK! THAT DOESNT MAKE THIS ANY BETTER. I was pulling out strands of my hair out of frustration.. What the fuck am I gonna do? I've gotta think of something.

''Fukase..?'' I heard a voice speak

''A-ah! Oh its only you [name]'' I was a bit startled by [name] I didnt notice they were awake..

''Yeah.. Sorry I scared you..'' They responded.

I sat back onto the bed with them, I gave them a hug and filled them in on the new information Kaito had recieved.

''Thats horrible..'' [Name] said

''I know..'' I replied

''What if...'' They stuttered stopping the middle of their sentence.

''What if your next..?!'' They cried out

They then threw themselves into my arms, crying harder.

''[name]! I promise that'll never ever happen ok? I promise...'' I said reassuringly obviously I'm not gonna die.

''D-Do you promise..?'' They asked

''Of course, I promise.'' I felt flattered they cared that much about me. I really do love them.. I just hope I can find a way to get away with this mess I've made.

The weekend went by pretty fast, [name] was to scared to leave my place so they basicly stayed the whole week, it was nice but I couldnt help being super stressed on the whole situation.

We walked to school hand in hand, [name] constantly looking behind us to make sure we were safe. Their such an amazing partner.. This whole ordeal better not make a dent in our relationship.

When we arrived at school our teacher informed us on the incident and advised us to be careful and blah blah blah the only part I really paid attention to is when she said..

''Since the police beileve the culprit is within our school due to the note they found, after school they are going to question our classes.''

I froze, I felt sick to my stomach.. How am I gonna lie to the police..? Oh my god..

I spent the day dreading the last bell, shaking and trembling biting my nails.. Until it finally came we went to the station and one by one they questioned us until it was my turn...

''Fukase, where were you on thursday at 3:45?'' the policeman asked.

''I was talking with my friends when I noticed Gakupo leaving all of a sudden..'' I responded I hope I dont sound to suspicous..

''Where do you think Gakupo was going?'' The policeman asked

''At the time I wasnt sure.. Now I think he could've to where he..'' I stopped my sentence to make it seem more dramatic and real.

''Did he say anything that day? Anything weird??'' He asked

''N-no..'' I said

He proceeded to ask me a couple more questions until I was FINALLY excused I let out a sigh of relief and [name] walked up to me.

(Reader POV)

''Hey.. Fukase..'' I said

''Oh [name] yeah?''Fukase responded

''I.. Was wondering if.. I could stay with you again tonight..? I know I've been with you all weekend but..'' I said I dont wanna be a bother to Fukase.. But I dont wanna be alone..

''Of course [name]!'' He said smiling a bit

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