Momo x Stressed reader 💗

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This was a request by Stinkyfeet24 I hope you enjoy!

I was pulling my 5th all nighter studying for the exams coming soon, I can't afford to not pass so I've been studying none stop.

While I forcing my eyes open to look down at the study sheets in front of me on my desk, I noticed my phone buzzing.

I picked it up and it was a message from my girlfriend Momo, I opened the text she sent.

Momo: Hey Y/N! I know you've been a bit stressed bc of exams recently so I was wondering if I could come over and help out :)

I messaged her back accepting the invite, I really needed some more motivation right now to help me get threw this.

Momo arrived not long after she came with all my favorite snacks a plush and a blanket!

"Hi Y/N!" She said coming in

"Woah! Momo you really didn't need to bring all this!" I said

"I know but.. I really wanted to help! I know you've been really stressed lately so.. Its the least I could do!" She replied

She walked into my messy and untidied room. I hadn't had the motivation to clean it since I was so busy trying to memorize everything for my exams.

"Y/N! How come your rooms so dirty?" She said looking around

"Sorry.. I've been to busy and not motivated enough to clean it.." I answered

"Here let me help you!" She said

Momo began making my bed and picking up some things off the ground.

"Momo you really don't have to do all this" I said, I felt a bit bad for making Momo feel like she has to do all this and just for me..

"Y/N. Its fine really! I don't mind helping you at all!" She said reassuring me a bit

"Ok I guess.." I said abd hesitantly continued looking at my exam study paper thingy-

After a half hour of going over my study sheets i began falling asleep. I just couldn't keep my eyes open and eventually drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see Momk look down at me, I was laying in her lap while she carefully brushed my very messy hair.

"A-AH!" I yelled jumping up from her lap

"Whats wrong Y/N?" She asked concerned

"I-I fell asleep! How long was I out?!" I yelled

"Only around 45 minutes" she said

"That's way to long! Why didn't you wake me up?" I said, I was so disappointed in myself. I can't fail this exam!

"Because you've been working so hard Y/N.. You really deserve a break." She answered and put her hand on my cheek softly caressing it.

"A-a break..?" I said

"Of course a break! You've been studying all week! At least get some rest." She said

"F-fine.. but only once" I said

We laid on my now cleaner before and turned on my TV

"What do you wanna watch Y/N?" She asked softly

"How about.. (insert movie/show)" I replied

"Alright then!" She said

I laid in Momo's arms ad we watched the movie, for the first time in awhile I finally felt relaxed.. I felt safe in Momo's embrace as we ate our favorite snacks and watched our favorite movie together.

"I love you Momo.. Thank you so much for all this" I said

Momo then put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me softly before saying.

"No problem Y/N.. I love you too."

I really hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it took awhile lol I've been a lil busy anyways bye bye!

Vocaloid oneshots! ❤️💙💛Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu