Chapter Two: My Dream Friend The Squirrel

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Chapter Two: My Dream Friend The Squirrel

The unbearable consciousness began to withdraw me from rest. Why must dreams always end this way? I remember now, it’s because they create questions to life that you must find the answers to yourself. It wasn’t till late last year before I could figure that truth out on my own.

As my senses were brought back to reality, well, reality didn’t feel like it was reality. Do you understand what I mean? Pain pulsated throughout each limb and patch of body, synchronising with my irregular heartbeats. This must mean I need a doctor immediately but as my blurry sight adjusted to the surrounding I realised I was no longer at home, sleeping in the same bed as my only trust-worthy friend. At this current moment I was alone, outside, and cold. Silent chirping and rustling flora let me understand that not only was I outside but I was no longer in the city.

Finally sitting upright I became aware that this world wasn’t mine. The visuals were lower in details but the contrasts of strong colours were much higher. Though the sight had changed my sense of touch did not and the grass continued to tickle my skin as I took in the area.

“Why is it that…. I don’t recall this place?” I asked myself in a voice that I realised was not mine.

This voice was higher, a voice that only a youthful child would possess yet I know my age to be mature compared to the one I produced. I steadily pronounce numerous words, conducting my own experiment, to investigate my hypothesis. In the end, consequently, the voice did belong to me.

My head bobbed once I noticed the odd attire I wore. Slowly rising to my feet I studied the boots that felt like overweight sport shoes. The black footwear reached just below my knees and an abundant amount of buckles were used to sturdily tie them together. Interesting. Continuing to the rest of my body the dress was uncomfortably short for my standard; I’ve never been the one for short clothing. Luckily, I wore sport pants underneath and my self-consciousness began to disappear immediately. The remaining description of the dress is simple: fat sleeves, low cut, white with black lacing. Is that good enough for a description? Yes? That’s good because I have a current problem with a higher priority than anything else.

“Where. Am. I?!”

The only things with a higher chance of explaining that to me would be that squirrel in the tree on my left or the trees itself. I chose the first option as the desire to chase that chestnut coloured fauna became irresistible. Slowly shuffling towards it I readied myself to climb the tree.

Finally pouncing on the said tree I bellowed after the life form, “Squirrel, tell me where I am! Hey, don’t run away! Get your furry little ass back here!”

My attempt to call for help was pointless when the only living thing has a brain smaller than its own horns. What, squirrels don’t have horns? I guess I’ve proven my point.

The next option to get help is the trees but they are sinister!

“Now, I don’t like you and you don’t like me.” I poked the trunk aggressively, “But if you don’t tell me where I am and where to go I’ll…. I’ll…. Rip off your leaves! Yes, I’ll rip them off very slowly until you have no choice but to tell me- Ow!”

I gripped the back of my head as if it would make the painful spot disappear, “OW!”

I cried louder this time as another object was thrown at me from behind. As I turned around to find the accomplice I noticed the little squirrel from before holding up an acorn. How strong is that dam thing?! Come on, I don’t think a squirrel can hurl an acorn two metres and still make it hurt!

I glared at the demonic creature “You.”

The miniature rodent broke off a tiny twig and howled a war cry. What is it doing? This squirrel is the strangest thing to walk this planet and I’ve never seen a squirrel before! Why is it running over here? It’s attempting to attack my foot with that dam thing.

Dreams of the Soul {Naruto Fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin