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We sat in class as Iruka, or as I like to call him, Flippers, explained to everyone the rules for the exam. Everyone listened to him excitedly and the silence that the class was gripped in couldn’t be broken. That’s why I tried extremely hard to shut Obito up. He was banned from coming to class for making too much noise in the first place but I couldn’t leave him behind. He needed to learn how to socialise, if not, he’ll continue to be noisy. He’s a bit like a dog.

‘Dogs are foul things.’ Akine muttered from the back of my mind.

I scowled and replied through thoughts, ‘Dogs are beautiful and adorable.

To be honest, this talking through minds thing is new to me. I always thought that I had to speak aloud to reply, it would’ve helped me from some awkward moments if she had told me in the first place. It's very awkward when people hear you talking to yourself like a mad man. Well, mad girl in my case but you catch my drift.


I passed easily. I’ve been out practicing to control my chakra and to clone myself every morning and afternoon except for Sundays. It was really exhausting but I needed to cram in as much as possible. Akine didn’t bother helping me with her monster powers unlike Miki and her Akiko. They seemed to get along really well, they agreed on almost everything and Miki is able to use so much power without breaking a sweat. It’s also made her quite popular among the kunouchi of our year level.

Either way, if I didn’t practice as much I’d probably fail as much as Naruto did and by the look on Flipper’s face, it was a shock. Just like everyone else I got a head band with the leaf symbol on it. My headband, though, was much similar to a beanie thingamabob. I liked it.

Miki also passed with flying colours. She was still as distant and cold as usual; you could see it in her eyes. I don’t really know what to do with her. Maybe talk to her, but I was never very good at that.

Don’t bother, she won’t listen. You're obviously annoying and she clearly hates you.’ Akine chuckled at the back of my head.

That’s not the problem. She’s just scared about being in this world. I’ll prove it to you.’  I replied.

Akine was a big wet blanket. I chose to ignore her meaningless put downs as much as possible. I refuse to let her make me depressed.

To immediately change the subject in my head I walked up to Miki who wore her headband around her waist. I probably patted her back a bit too hard considering she nearly fell over but it’s her fault for not paying attention to who’s around her. ‘Oi, congrats on passing! I passed too, see, see?’

Miki shrugged me off, ‘Nn, don’t touch me. It’s annoying.’

I continued with the happy façade. Sooner or later she’ll finally calm down about the whole living in the animation world thing and won’t feel the need to put up a tough and cold persona. Either that or I’ll finally become use to being forcibly happy around her like this. Hey, it’s just a matter of a fake it till you make it, right?

‘Hehe, anyway, I want you to do something for me. It’ll be fuuuun?’

She glared at me, ‘What is it?’

‘You see, the strange guy that tested us, Mizuki, he does something kinda bad and it makes a lot of weird fuss happen. It’s funny so I want you to watch it for me since I have another chore to do!’ Okay, the chore thing is a lie. The truth is I’ve seen the upcoming scene so many times, it was extremely boring to me now, but for once I wanted her to experience it. Also, I’ve never really told her how Naruto passed the test. It never really came up.

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