Chapter six: This dream may possibly be real

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My eyes stretched opened under the morning sun that intruded into my room. A small smile played on my lips. Wait. A smile in the morning? I frowned at this, slightly confused. Usually, back in reality, mornings were terrible. I felt terrible and depressed and anxious. Mornings were not the highlight of my day. So why was today different? Quite possibly because I have created a goal.

My goal was to become a happier person overall – no matter what. Unless I was around Miki I’d usually feel insecure and upset. She, besides Naruto, was my inspiration. She was happy and no matter how insane people said I was she still stayed my friend, even with my short temper. She was literally my only friend.

That is why I planned to become better. I had a fresh chance and I’m taking hold of it. If I messed it up, it didn’t really matter, I’m going to leave this world sooner or later. But here and now, I will make lots of friends, become a powerful kunoichi, and stay alive for as long as I can. Seriously, though, I don’t want to die. It’s really weird. Y’know, you’d be tired when it happened, and probably sticky from blood and it’d overall just feel icky.

I rolled out of my futon. Yes, we now have a futon. Iruka helped us out in return for cleaning up vandalism and doing various chores. The chores were horrible. I had to pick up dog poop off of the streets! But they were good futons, too – so fluffy and warm despite the chilly season. I scratched the back of my head and yawned at the same time as little Obito – he sleeps on the window sill in my room – and set out for my daily morning routine.

Now, while we ignore all of the stuff I do in the morning like some chakra exercises or eat food and shower, I’ll have to point out a really critical event that you, the readers, have missed. The dog thing didn’t work out. I showed Miki the poor, old, dirt covered hound I found in the streets. She smacked me over the head. After a guilt trip she allowed the old mutt to stay in the house. It peed all over the couch and ran away. Moral of the story is, don’t let stray dogs live in your house.

Now that there’s food in my gut and Obito and myself looked somewhat acceptable for society we left the house at 6 am sharp. Miki had only asked once what I was doing. I told her I was probably sleep walking. In reality, though, I was training on my own. There was the clone jutsu we have to master by the end of this month. That’s the deadline as the exams to become a Genin were held by then. It was kind of nerve wracking if you think about it. Within a few weeks all of the fights would begin, all of the drama, all of that killing. Wait, I take my previous statement back. I’m actually pretty excited for it. I look forward to acting mature for once and possibly kicking all of those bad guys’ asses.

Among the many other basic techniques I’ve practice, such as walking up trees, running with chakra, and substitution, I haven’t really gotten that far. Two weeks doesn’t give much time for a newbie to be able to do much, let alone do it properly. If it wasn’t for my personal jinchuuriki, Akine, I’d most likely have no chakra at all.

‘Morning.’ Speak of the devil.

‘Hi.’ I muttered under my breath as we passed some civilians.   

There were two, undiscovered Jinchuurikis that reside within Miki and myself. They were similar to Yin and Yang, except for the fact they were called Akine and Akiko instead of Yin and Yang. Where does Yin and Yang come from anyway? Hong Kong? Korea? No, not Korea. There’s a bunch of bombing threats coming from them.

Besides all of this happening, life was quiet. Excluding the random fights I get in with Kiba. He was extremely arrogant. I have a strong intolerance to arrogance.

Now, let’s have a time jump to a month ahead, shall we? Up until then is really boring and tedious.

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