Obito's Adventure

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It was cold and dark, even if the sun was starting to rise. The fur on the little chestnut rodent’s back wasn’t thick enough to shield him from the cold wind which blew straight through him. He searched the city of giant, hairless and ugly squirrels to find his friends. It hadn’t been easy.

It was entirely Obito’s fault in the first place. He decided it would be fun to hide behind a corner and scare Alice once she came out of her testing room, but after waiting and waiting and having another weird, mutated squirrel walk into the room where Alice had once been he realised she was no longer there. The grown warriors sitting at the desks, including the one he didn’t particularly like because of his huge scar and banning Obito from school, complained about Alice jumping out of the window like an animal.

For a moment Obito was filled with joy, he had taught her well in the art of climbing, but then the realisation had dawned on him. Alice left him behind. Obito scurried down the hallways to find her and when he finally made it to the courtyard, where many hairless and clothed rodents talked about pointless and not-so-manly things, he saw a lock of pink and black hair disappear around the fence of the school. He tried to chase the girl in the white dress only to lose her in amidst the crowds.

Obito regretted napping in the girl’s hair every time they travelled to and from this place. He didn’t know the way back home without her. It was just so dang early for him every morning and he was just so dang tired when he came home every afternoon. He didn’t know how these giant form of squirrels could slave away everyday without taking a few naps here and there. Well, Alice was excluded; she always slept during her days in confinement with many others like her, listening to the idiot known as Flippers talk and talk and talk. It was utterly pointless and boring. A warrior learns from fighting and being beaten to a pulp, not by being taught stupid and pathetic things like this obscure word maths. He never understood these weird creatures.

With no other way to find his way home he tried to talk to Miki who was peeking out from behind a bush. Obito was confused; he followed her line of sight to the yellowed hair fox boy and the creepy silvered hair warrior from the testing room. He shrugged off her strange spying and walked up to her, squeaking louder than ever.

‘Yo, Miki, my gal, how the heck do I get home? Alice ran off and –‘ Obito was cut short by a hand covering his mouth.

‘Shut your stupid squeaking, Obito, I’m busy.’ She hissed.

‘Doing what?’ he squeaked.

‘Shut it!’ Miki hissed even louder, ‘Look, they’re going now. Go home, I’m busy.’ With that she ran off after the two people.

Obito huffed angrily. For some odd reason only Alice seemed to properly talk to him. Did they just not understand what he said? Was his dialect too thick? He’s been trying to talk slower but it hasn’t worked. Nor has talking any louder.

Now that Obito was on his own again he started to walk the streets. Alone. Hungry. Cold. Vulnerable. Somewhere, somehow, he must have people that love him. He did leave his adoring groupies back at home to look after the ditz that he currently shares a room with. Well, Obito didn’t have much of a choice but to leave. This girl flew down from the moon and told him to look after Alice when she arrived. Well, more like fell from the sky. What was that weird girl’s name again? Ah, it didn’t matter to Obito anymore. She rhymed everything and threatened to exterminate him if he didn’t do it. He’s heard of poisoned acorns before; he’s no fool to reject the strange girl’s command, Obito had thought beforehand.

The squirrel found a boy just on dusk. He had blonde hair and Alice always talked to him at that strange place Obito talked about before. (Actually, Obito thought it sounded like ‘skuul’ if he heard properly.) Alice would even go on rants about him while she practiced her fighting in the mornings and afternoons, even if no one was listening. Alice usually did talk to herself, Obito just got use to it.

Back to the task at hand, Obito tried to talk to that boy. Naruto, wasn’t it? He was up on a building with the silver haired warrior from the testing room. It would be a tough climb, Obito had thought at the time, but it’d be worth it. Any warrior could climb this. No sweat.  Oh, how wrong he had been.

Obito fell many times, almost went splatagainst the pavement if it hadn’t been for his nails gripping the wall again. A few hours had passed by the time he reached his destination and when he did… those bastards had already left. We may spare the details on what that toilet mouth had said at that time but let’s just say it was MA 15 + language.

Thankfully for that squirrel the climb down was better than that climb up, quicker in fact, and when he touch ground again he was greeted by a familiar dog. He remembered this mutt. Akamaru, his arch nemesis. The small pup growled at him, ‘What are you doing here, Obito.’ He practically spat his name. ‘This is my territory. Now, get. Out. Before I make you myself.’

The arrogant squirrel huffed at the dog, ‘Tough talk for a flea bag. What, you aren’t chained up by your owner like usual, you obedient, little runt? Too bad for you. You could use some help from him as I grind you into the dirt!’ Obito grounded his fist into his other opened hand.

‘You’ll regret those words, rodent.’ Akamaru crouched, getting ready to pounce.

Obito smirked and stood in his fighter stance, ‘Bring it.’

Just as things were heating up, Obito’s long awaited show down was cut short by the dog’s owner. The little boy picked up the pup and placed him on top of his head, where he usually sat. ‘There you are Akamaru, I was beginning to get worried. Come on, dinner’s ready for us.’

Kiba and Akamaru walked off in the opposite direction, the dog turned around on his master’s head to have a final glare at Obito. ‘This isn’t over, Obito.’ He barked.

‘Looks over to me!’ Obito shouted back. He felt proud.

Akamaru: 0

Obito: 1

The streets were filled with bugs and silence at this point in time. Nothing but silent streets and pointless wind made a sound. Obito continued to wearily walk through the streets for hours on end. Up one street, and down another. Around a corner, and next to a curve. Obito’s eyes could barely be forced open as the sun began to rise. He stared at the rising sun, his mind wondering where all of those hours disappeared. Squinting his eyes smaller than they already were, he looked at the sun, in front of it was a house. It was almost as identical as the rest surrounding it except for the pointless and colourful sign on the door, it was written in foreign letters but Obito remembered what the weird pink and black haired girl happily declared she wrote on it. Alice and Miki. Thank God that she made it.

Obito’s hands could barely scale the side of the house and into Alice’s room, but when he flopped on his bed in the windowsill he knew it was all worth it. He closed his eyes, greeting the most imminent sleep, but the alarm blared through the room. Five am. Alice’s usual training morning routine. Her big lavender eyes almost touched his fur they were that close. With a big grin plastered on her face she turned off the alarm and whispered in a voice so that her roommate won’t hear (which Obito found pointless as the alarm never woke Miki up), ‘You were up late, weren’t you?’ If only you knew, Obito thought, ‘Time to do some training!’

The miniature pillow smothered is head. He proclaimed loudly, ‘Hell no.’

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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