Chapter four: Dream of Lies and Purple People

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Chapter four: Dream of Lies and Purple People

My one and only friend whose name is Emily, who I always call ‘Yuu’, whose’ favourite name is Miki, should be the girl sitting in front of me. Should. The only problem is she doesn’t seem to understand what I’m talking about.

“Were you dropped on your head at birth or something? Didn’t you just hear what my name is? It’s Miki. Mi-ki-! Got it? Jeez, why on earth would you think up something so stupid.” She muttered the last sentence to herself more as a statement than an open question.

The girl, obviously called Miki, persisted in the attempt of making me out as a fool. But, like the stubborn fool I am, I kept on arguing the fact that I was right.

“Yeah, that’s you, Emily.” I stated the obvious in a pompous fashion.

 The old man sitting behind his desk continued on evaluating the current scene relaying before his very eyes. He might think this was amusing, a stranger suddenly walking in and tenaciously refuses to believe the girl’s name is, in fact, Miki.

“Just tell me why you would think up something so obscure!” Miki proclaimed, obviously annoyed.

I drew a long and exaggerated breath, waving my pointer finger around in a drunkard way, just to prolong the irritation of my friend, before finally pointing towards myself, “Danae.”

My name was all it took for Miki to finally realise that I wasn’t the enemy who brought her to this world nor some psychopathic stranger.  I was her friend and she became insane just by that information,

“Oh my god, is that you? Where the fuck are we and what the hell is happening?! This isn’t a dream, is it? I pinched myself enough to know that I can potentially become entirely purple, so you can’t say it’s a dam dream!” Emily ranted as she pointed to the purple dots scattered across her arms and stomach for us spectators to examine.

Obito didn’t take too long to crawl upon my scruffy excuse of a head of hair to join the staring at the amazing-ness of a purple arm. He squeaked in a way that imitated a huff as he blabbed on about a story of his birth and being dropped out of a tree at birth. This is why he thought, and I quote, ‘a little bruise is nothing compared to what I’ve been through!’ I giggled at his nonsense while no one really paid any attention to the deranged squirrel and his crazy friend talking to each other. Emily usually found it quite normal considering she knew me for over a decade. Heh, a decade does sound really long, doesn’t it?

The man besides us finally decided to take part in the conversation after a long inhalation,

“Can someone please explain what is happening, I do not understand any of your blubbering.”

He took a puff from his pipe as the silence continued to prolong. The silence was so humorous that Obito decided to test his theory and dropped a pin he magically manifested. I couldn’t believe what happened! The dropping of the metal did not make any noises. None! My entire life was a lie.

Now, before we got side-tracked for too long, I turned Emily to face opposite to the Hokage as I had a little interrogation. If I suddenly said one thing and she said another we are so screwed! Quick, story-making and lying abilities: activate!

“What have you told him?!” I whispered/screamed.

Emily looked as if she was fighting the anxiety within her, terrified that she might have done something wrong, “I told him my name was Miki Tsukiko, because that was a Japanese name, and that I knew nothing else as I’ve woke up in the middle of a forest with amnesia. I didn’t know what else to say! Sorry.”

I restrained myself from slapping my forehead in frustration as she apologised. Why does she have to say sorry? “No, don’t apologise! I can work with it! Just play along with me and that amnesiac story, okay?”

I gave her a look saying ‘agreed?’ and a smirk that says ‘this-is-going-to-be-so-fucking-fun!’ Emily, that I must get use to calling Miki, nodded slowly, trying to comprehend the situation. I didn’t know what the hell was happening either but I just had to go with the flow and get somewhere otherwise we would be completely and utterly fucked.

I spun on my heels and smiles widely as I replied with a childish voice, “Hello, Mister Hokage, Sir. I’m Alice Tsukiko, Miki’s cousin. It’s very nice to meet you!”

I sat crossed legged on top of his desk as I shook his hand, and I really regretted doing so as his hand was old and prune-like to touch. Not a very nice feeling. I should really disinfect it later.

The Hokage grunted in reply, agreeing, I think, as he continued to question us,

“Now, Miki says she has lost memories previous to her awakening outside of the village. Yet, she remembered you but used a different name. Would you care to explain?”

My smile dropped as I attempt to create a grieving and remorseful aura,

“Well, it hasn’t been easy, recently.” I paused to make an anxious look just to add to the acting charm, “We lived out in the forest very far away; it was very isolated from anybody so Miki and I only played with each other and Mama, Papa, Big brother, and Granny. One day I played with Miki in the woods because it was her birthday and Mama and Papa were making a surprise party for her but when we came home… It… It… was on fire… And no one was home. We couldn’t find Big brother or anybody so we had to live on our own. We didn’t know where we really were and it was scary so we came up with fake names because we didn’t want any bad people to know who we are; Miki was called Emily and I was Danae. A few days ago Miki went missing and – and –‘ Here was when I was glad I took drama as an elective for school, our class had a lesson on fake crying and it finally came in handy.

The Hokage took pity on us feeble girls as we were mere children, “Hush, child,” he stated, attempting to sound caring but his old voice didn’t really convey such emotions, “Now, if you’d like, you and your cousin can stay here. But you’ll have to work to repay me by being a Genin; just so you can do the jobs legally. How old are the both of you?”

I hiccupped in reply, “Tw-twelve.”

“Hmmm,” the Hokage paused to think about the situation, “How would you like to go to school?”

Miki took part in the conversation to finally be part of this scene. Well done, girl, you made it believable,

“What’s a school?”

Ha. The Hokage’s face was priceless.

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