Chapter 1 Justin

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Hey guys! Ok so this story is like a he said she said kinda thing, meaning that one chapter will be about the main guy, and the other main girl. It's kinda just showing their point of views in the story basically. Well yea Hope you Enjoy!

All I actually really ever wanted was for Tina Hussein to leave me alone! It all started in the summer of 1996, before the start of grade two. That's when Tina moved in next door. My mom made blueberry muffins and made me give it to them. She told me to be nice to the little girl and that I should play with her since she was new.

I walked next door and rang the doorbell. Tina answered the door. She said hi and introduced herself then called her mother. Her mother thanked me for the muffins. Then I asked if I could play with Tina (because I knew my mom would have a fit if I didn't), and Tina's mom let her. So, after we went to her backyard, she said that she was going to Roberta Bondar Public School and that she was really nervous. I told her not to worry because I was going there to. Then she smiled, said thanks, then we played hide and seek. I actually had fun, and I thought it was going to be fun with Tina at school, but boy was I wrong. 

  I had to walk Tina to school because she didn't know the way. It was fine until I saw my supposedly best friend, Jacob Black, who started shouting, "OOH EVERYONE LOOK, JUSTIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND! JUSTIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND, HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!"

"Shut up, Jacob! She's my neighbour, she doesn't know the way so I just showed her!!" I shouted back.

 Then this annoying girl, named Valerie Boulevard, said, "Ooooh you're protecting her."

Then, out of nowhere Tina spoke up and said, "It's true, he's just dropping me off." Then she said bye and went to see her teachers.

"You know girls have cooties, it can make you sick." said Jacob.

"Is it like a cold?" I asked.

"Worse." said Jacob. Well since I was in seven years old, I thought Jacob was practically Einstein. So from then I started ignoring Tina, and she noticed. But she wouldn't stop trying to talk to me.

Then finally one day at recess, Jacob said that I didn't like her because she was Muslim. I didn't even know what Muslim was, but Tina did and she got mad. She went to Valerie and whispered something into her ear then Valerie whispered something to Ashley, who got so mad and screamed. Eventually the thing Tina whispered came to Jacob and he told me what she said, "Tina said you were going to marry Ashley."

"What?!" I cried. At that moment, even though I was seven, I knew that I would always hate Tina Hussein!

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