Chapter 7 Justin

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I was lying in my bed and thinking about all the events that just happened that night. Tina said she was done with me, that was what I was hoping for, but why did I feel like I just lost something I really needed? I tried to think of something else, but I just couldn’t. Then I remembered the walkie-talkies. I quickly got up and turned mine on. “Tina, are you sure you’re ok?” asked Samantha. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m fine? Give me some salt and vinegar chips, they’re my favourite.” said Tina. “Hey, that’s Justin favourite to.” said Samantha. She was right. “So what? I don’t really care. Hey, did you know that Ashley got a boyfriend?” said Tina. I couldn’t believe Tina actually to stopped talking about me. “OMG really?! She deserves a boyfriend, she always so nice and stuff! Who’s her new boo?” “That new kid in our class, Tyler Kid, he’s Jess’s brother. When I get Jess, Ashley and I can go on double dates, and when you get Jacob we could triple date!” said Tina. “Well Jacob’s just a crush and I don’t really know if he’s really my type.” I turned off the walkie-talkie. I didn’t want to listen to Tina talk about Jess. Wait, what was I thinking? Why did I feel bad? This was a good thing! Tina hated me! This was what I wanted all along. I was not going to think about this anymore. I went to get the phone to call Jacob and tell him about the whole night. Around eleven I went asleep, but a bit after midnight, I woke up because I heard something. I grabbed a flashlight and then I went to the door. Then I heard a thump and I ran out. “Who's there?” I asked. “It’s just me. Oww.” I heard Tina moan. I pointed the flashlight to her. “Are you ok?” “I’m fine.” she snapped. “Are you still mad?” I asked. “No.” she said. But then I noticed her rubbing her foot and I kneeled down beside her. "See? You're not okay." I said. "I am-" "Look, you're foot is becoming red." I shone the light onto her foot and we saw the small red bump forming near her toes. "It's okay." She said, trying to get up but she hit her head on the railing and yelped in pain. She started rubbing her head. "You're so clumsy." I said and I put my hand on top of hers and started rubbing her head. She looked up and our eyes met. We stayed like that for who - knows - how - long until Tina said, "Justin, when are you going to let go of my hand?" I looked down and saw that she moved our hands to the space in between us. I was holding onto her hand. I quickly let go, looking away. “I'm sorry for what I said today. I really didn't mean any of it.” “Okay, would it make you feel better if I forgave you?” “Yes.” I nodded. “Okay I’ll forgive you on one condition; like I said to you before I don’t want you to talk to me ever again.” “But-” “No buts. I’m tired of you always being cold towards me, and this way you get your wish.” said Tina. “Huh? What wish?” “Oh please don’t act dumb, you always hated me and you always wanted me out of your life. I can’t do that because Samantha is my best friend, so I’m doing the second best thing; we will ignore each other until we go our separate ways, okay?” said Tina. “Okay, if that will make you happy.” I said. “No this will make you happy.” said Tina. We stayed quiet for a while. Then she tried to get up but I guess something hit her foot with the bump and she yelped again. "Oh my gosh, what's wrong with you?" I asked, sighing and standing up. I help put my hand to her and just looked at it then looked up at me. "What? You need help, don't you?" I said. She looked down but took my hand. I helped her stand up then she carefully went back to Samantha’s room. I lit the way for her with the flashlight. "It's okay, you can go back to your room." She said. I ignored her and kept shining the way for her. When she finally went back to the room, I turned off the flashlight.

HII I GUYS!! I HOPE U LIKED THIS CHAPTER!! I REALLY HOPE U LIKE THIS STORY!!! Just wanna thank my friend Tamim again :p THANKS HUUUUUN! Comment if u like this story or not :p

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