Chapter 9 Justin

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I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think about was Tina and all the things she said. I tried so hard to go to sleep; reading, listening to soft music. I even tried counting sheep but nothing worked. I wondered what Tina was doing- wait stop it, stop thinking about stupid Tina. I ordered myself. I eventually fell asleep and woke up again at around 9:30. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and went to my room and changed into a t-shirt and sweats. I went downstairs to a delicious aroma of pancakes and my favourite chicken bacon. Normal people like bacon made out of pig, but this guy (aka me) loved chicken or turkey bacon. I hated pig, so does my sister, all because of Tina. My sister used to love pig, but then Tina changed her mind with a lecture. She changed mine to since I was in the room, and I am now officially scarred for life about pigs.

I was the first one downstairs (well except for my mom). I said good morning to my mom, kissed her on the cheek, grabbed a plate, and filled my plate with three pieces of pancake, and about probably a hundred pieces of bacon. I sat at the kitchen table when my sister and Tina came down the stairs. 

Sam glared at me, really hard; it felt like there were blades going down my coming down my spine. Tina though just grabbed a plate and smiled and said good morning to my mom. She acted like nothing happened. Well except she kept flinching, probably because of her foot. 

I must have been staring at her because Samantha came up and whispered in my ear, "Stop staring, it's creepy, and her brother is next door."

"I wasn't staring! What are you talking about?!" I hissed at her. 

"Oh God, your eyes are practically popping out, and there's drool on your lip." she said smirking at me. Oh really is this how she wants to play. I could tell her about me knowing about Jacob. I was about to say it, but then I thought about the consequences, and what happened with Tina I just ended up looking back at her, with my mouth open. 

She was eating her food and when she looked up when she felt my stare, and she gave me a grossed out look. I was offended but then I remembered I had food in my mouth so I quickly shut my mouth and looked down. I was probably so red! My sister was giggling, and Tina was just keeping a straight face eating her food, trying to ignore me. 

"So Tina how's your foot?" I don't know why I asked, but I just needed to know.  She looked at me- well more like glared- but she replied with a, "Fine." 

"Why what happened with her foot?" asked both my mom and sister. Gee good best friend you are Sam, not seeing her limping.

"I went to use the restroom in the middle of the night and I tripped" "Like five times" I said quietly. She glared at me. 

"How did you know she hurt her leg?" asked Sam with a smirk.

"I heard her fall; I thought it was a burglar." I said sheepishly. 

"Well I'm fine, thanks for asking." She said to Sam and my mom. "Umm well I asked..." My mom gave me a look.

She rolled her eyes "Okay fine, thanks. Umm I think I should go, my brother's probably waiting for me." She said with a smile.  

"Do you need me to drop you off?" I said. Wait why did I say that. Where's the delete button when I need it?  

"Uhh no I literally live next door, I think I'll survive." "

Well I mean with your foot and everything..." Urgh, that's not helping, and what I would do to wipe that smirk off Sam's face. 

"I'm fine." She said and she went upstairs to get her stuff.

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