Chapter 8 Tina

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I seriously hated Justin; all he ever did was hate me! Why did he say all those words to me?! I DID NOTHING TO HIM!! Though he did apologise to me but it was probably because his mom and Samantha forced him to. Oh well, I didn’t care. I was done with Justin baker. Samantha truly was a great best friend but I seriously didn’t want her to keep bothering me about Justin, I just wanted to forget about him. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Samantha kept asking. I kept telling her that I was fine and just wanted to move on from the subject. I tried talking about chips but then she told me that Justin and I had the same favourite flavour of chips. Then I tried talking about Ashley's new boyfriend. “OMG really?! She deserves a boyfriend, she always so nice and stuff. Who’s her new boo?” “Umm that new kid in our class Tyler Kid, he’s Jess’s brother." Then I tried saying how once me and Samantha get boyfriends, we will all be able to go on triple dates together.  “Well Jacob’s just a crush and I don’t really know if he’s really my type.” Samantha said. “Oh really? About two hours ago you just drooling about him” I said with a smirk. “SHUT UP!” she said then hit me with a pillow. Samantha fell asleep a little after midnight, which is where I thanked god because my bladder was about to burst. I opened the door, and tip toed across the hallway but I couldn’t see anything because it was pitch black, but I made it to the bathroom. On my way back, I wasn’t so lucky; I tripped over the little mat in front of the staircase and fell, hitting my foot against the hard step. Justin's door flew open. “Who's there?” he called out so loud that he could have woken up Samantha, or worse, his mom. “It’s just me. Oww.” my foot was throbbing. Then he pointed his bright flashlight at my face. “Are you ok?” he whispered. “I’m fine.” I said not too nicely, but I didn’t really want his concern. “Are you still mad?” he asked. “No.” I lied, while rubbing my foot. It really hurt, after all I hit it really hard against the stair. Suddenly, Justin came down beside me. "See? You're not okay." He said. I tried to tell him that it was all okay, I really did not want to deal with him after tonight's earlier events. But he just took his flashlight and shone it on my foot. I noticed that a red bump had formed where I hit it. I sighed and tried to get up. "It's okay." But then I hit my head against the railing. I moaned and rubbed my head. Justin chuckled. "You're so clumsy." He said. I rolled my eyes but then he put his hand on top of mine and started rubbing my head with me. I looked up at Justin and he looked at me. We looked at each other in the eyes. My heart started beating faster. Why was it beating faster? I thought I was over him already. I didn't want this. But I didn't want this to stop. His beautiful brown eyes... I didn't know how long we stayed like that but when I realized what was happening, I tried to look away but I couldn't. I could still feel his hand on mine. I moved my hand but he still didn't move his. I put our hands between us and finally said, "Justin, when are you to let go of my hand?" He noticed our hands still together and quickly let go. "Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said.” I looked at him and sighed. He was so pushy. And here I thought her would be happy with me not talking to him anymore. “Okay would it make you feel better if I forgave you?” I said. He nodded. “Okay I’ll forgive you on one condition; like I said to you before I don’t want you to talk to me ever again.” Justin tried to protest but I interrupted. "I'm tired of you always being cold towards me. Besides, this way you get your wish." He was confused. "You have always hated me and you always wanted me out of your life. I won't be able to completely do that because your sister is my best friend so I'm trying to go with the second best option; ignoring each other until we officially go our separate ways, okay?" I explained. "Okay, if that will make you happy." He said. We were quiet for a few minutes and when I finally decided I couldn't take being around him anymore, I tried getting up again. But unfortunately, since I'm the bearer of bad luck, I hit my foot with the bump again. "Oh my gosh, what is wrong with you?" Justin sighed and stood up, holding out his hand to me. What is with him and holding hands? I thought, staring at his hand. I wasn't sure if I should take it or not. "You need help, don't you?" He asked. I sighed and took it. He helped me stand up and I started making my way back to Samantha’s room. Then I noticed the light shining down my way, leading me to her room. "You can go back to your room." I said without looking back. He ignored me and the light stayed. I rolled my eyes and finally made it back to her room.

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