" so , you've heard my rumor~? "

322 5 18


Name- Ymir Stevens

Nickname(s)- n/a

Age- 18

Gender- female

Sexuality- bisexual

Occupation- student

Blood Type- A


Species- human

Height- 5'6

Birthmarks- n/a

Scars- n/a

Tattoos- n/a

Eye Color- blue

Hair Color- brown

Full Appearance-

Full Appearance-

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Outfit- in photo


Personality- Ymir is quite the flirt ;; she flirts with everyone students && teachers alike ! she's also snarky && likes to play around with people. Ymir also has a habit of playing pranks && stuff along that nature. While she does enjoy the attention she's gotten involving the rumors of her being the 'school slut' ; she also enjoys genuinely spending time with people && tends to be quite social. she usually keeps it pretty brief depending on what she's doing but she can get inquisitive.

Disorders- n/a

Powers- n/a


Status- non-virgin

Sub Or Dom- switch

Turn Ons- secret sex , public sex , groping , pet-names , rewards , being bratty ( herself ) , spanking , being marked ,  hair pulling , dirty talk ( towards her ) , praise ( giving ) , being pinned down , teasing

Turn Offs- bodily fluids , orgies of +5 ,

Kinks- brat , public sex , student x teacher

( student )
ymir has been your crush for the longest time ; but you've heard the rumor that she was the school's slut. Your heart sank as you felt that you could never get a chance , nor confess your feelings. Except one day ; while on your way home you hear a strange sound coming from an empty classroom on the third floor , the one nobody really checks anymore since it's just empty. You open the door to see Ymir there ; all alone fingering herself. " aaah~ mmm~! " she cried out softly. you stand there in awe as you watch her through the window. this could be your chance ; YOU....

( teacher )
ymir had slipped you a note during class , asking to meet you after school. you're sitting at your desk , waiting expectantly as she then came in and quickly turned out all the blinds with a small smile. " hey teach ; i want to propose something~ " she said with a small snicker as she looked towards you , lustfully licking her lips. YOU...

( student or teacher )
you and ymir had been at it for awhile ; having sex in secret in exchange for homework help // good grades , but one day ymir shows up in class in a very skimpy outfit. it's just you two currently in the room. ymir snickers as she walks over to you and smiles. " today im feeling . . courageous~ so im going to tease you all day long~ " she said with a smirk as she then proceeded to get under your desk and undo your bottoms , she dipped her hand into your underwear and started to rub ; luckily the desk covered her though. just as you were about to moan ; more people start coming in the class.  YOU...

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