Chapter 3

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As soon as we arrive to the great hall we are bombarded with hugs and "It's great to see you Potters" and "Harry! Lily! you're back!" and many more. Hermione and Ginny are first to hug me, then Ron, Fred and George as the girls hug Harry, The cutest thing was Ginny pecked him.

She pulled away blushing but Harry pulled her back and kissed her back a little bit more harder. There was a lot of wolf whistles and Hermione and I were losing it, screeching like a owls, and laughing.

Ron grabs Hermione by the waist, They pull each other close gazing into their eyes and Mione kisses Ron first. Ginny and Harry unclasp each other to watch Hermione and Ron snog. Even George and Fred hug each other not to be lonely.

We are all laughing as the first years pile in, along with the rest of Gryffindor and the other houses. Then all the teachers sit down. Snape glares at the boys once again. I laugh as they look down nervous.

"The sorting will now begin." Professor McGonagall says and unrolls the parchment calling off names to the kids who will be sorted into the houses. As she read the names, The kids come down to the stool and let the hat be set on their head. When that was over Professor Dumbledore stands up to his pedestal to make an announcement.

"We have a new professor- Professor Slughorn." We all clapped for him. "He will be taking over as potions professor, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken over to Professor Snape."

There was some scatter of applause but the Slytherin house was loudest. I clapped too, Professor Snape always liked me. Harry knew this too. I like him as a teacher. When everyone stops clapping i do too. Harry Ron and I have a free period so we took comfort in watching the first years scramble to get to their classes. We were laughing a lot until Harry was called by Professor McGonagall.

"Oh damn what'd we do this time?" I ask still laughing, as Harry gives me a nervous look.

"I dunno seems like we're always gettin' into trouble!" Ron says frowning. Harry comes back with a grin on his face.

"Guess what? We all have to go to potions class." Ron and I groan but hop off the ledge and make our way to professor Slughorn's class, interrupting his lecture.

"Forgive me Professor Slughorn but professor McGonagall told us all to come in this class." I explain.

"No need for forgiveness, come on in, grab a book from the cabinet." He replies. He goes back to his lesson and we walk over to the cabinet. we see only two Advanced Potion Making books. One of them was worn out and the other looked like it was brand new. Knowing the two boys would fight over the new one i step back and let them. Ron ends up getting the new one and Harry the worn one.

He hits Ron in frustration and I chuckle at Harry.

"Come on we'll share this one." Harry says. I nod and stand in between Harry and Mione with Ron on her left.

As professor slughorn explain about the love potion, four girls walk forward, interested and wanting some, to poison their 'loves'. I roll my eyes and professor Slughorn closes the lid and they walk back.

"Professor, you didn't explain to us what's in the little vial." Hermione points out. There was a small little vial that holds clear liquid.

"Ah this is the Felix Felicis. Also known as-" "Liquid Luck" Hermione cuts him off. He shakes his head yes.

"5 points for gryffindor. Anyway the first person to make the Draught of living death correctly, will get the Felix Felicis."

Everyone went off to make the potion, I went off with Harry, we both had separate cauldrons.

"Ok Add the Infusion of Wormwood. Then add the powdered root of asphodel. Don't cut it though Lil, crush it with the blade. Stir twice clockwise. Add the sloth brain. Add the Sopophorous bean's juice. Stir seven times anti-clockwise. Then once again clockwise." I follow all of the directions.

"Harry! Lily! how did you do that?!" Hermione screeches trying to cut the bean. Harry and I dodge the un-cut beans that are flying everywhere.

"Mione, don't cut the bean, crush it." Harry laughs. Professor Slughorn comes over and checks our potions.

"Merlin's beard, Potters! You've both made the potion greatly!" Professor Slughorn exclaims dropping a leaf in our cauldrons. The leaf shriveled up, burning.

"We can share professor." I smile.

"Alright. Everyone gather round! The Potters have earned the Felix Felicis. So here you are." He says handing Harry the Liquid Luck.

Harry and I smile as people applaud. Then we are excused to go to your next class. I put my books in my satchel and hurry to catch up with Hermione, Ron and my brother.

As I was speed walking, putting my books in my bag I bumped into someone causing me to fall down.

"I'm sorry-" I say gathering myself up, and looking up at the person i collided into. I then look into the eyes of the one and only, Draco Malfoy. The famous smirk spread across his features, i look into his grey eyes full of sorrow and hate, the same in 1st year.

"Take a picture Potter, they last longer." He smirks. I shake my head, and get off of the ground.

"Hilarious Malfoy." I say sarcastically. narrowing my eyes at him.

"You'd better watch where you're walking." Draco sneers.

"I could say the same to you." I say matter-of-factly.

"Hm arrogant are we?" He says.

I scoff. "Pot calling the kettle black Malfoy." I say smirking and walking away. I look in the corner of my eye and he turned back around to see me walk off... odd...

Draco's POV-

I turn around to watch the most annoying girl, who is even worst than Hermione Granger! And that's saying something. I watched her walk off with her gorgeous red mid-waist length hair flow behind her. Her hips swaying with every step she takes...

No No No NO!

I do not have feelings for Lily Potter I am going to tell you that now! Harry Potter is the worst, been enemies since year one, we have. Though I do feel bad for year one, when I snatched her arm. I realised that I don't want to be evil like my no good father. I don't want to be a death eater but i may have no choice... I can never escape...

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