Chapter 12

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Harry and I bolt out the head quarters leaving behind Narcissa. We bump into people but all we do is run. We push people out of the way. Professor McGonagall tries to stop me, but after ignoring her she runs with me. Flinch tries to stop me but i use the expeliarmus charm on him sending him back into the wall. I'll probably get in trouble for that but i don't care. Professor stops to see if he's alright. He's uncouncious but fine. Then she runs with me. I run to the tower where Dumbledore fell. Harry keeps running. I don't know where but he runs.

I crumble down to where the lifeless body of Head Master Dumbledore is. My hands shake as i hover over him sobbing. Professor McGonagall comes over and outs her hands on my shoulders trying to calm my sobbing but I can hear her struggling not to.

"Oh Albus." She cries silently. Professor and I sit there for a while as students fly down. I hear many screams from girls as more professors come. I hear Ginny scream and run towards me.

"Lily! Where's Harry?!" She asks crying. I shrug my shoulders. I'm still sobbing holding my face in my hands. I gasp as i see the death eaters set Hagrids house on fire. Ginny gasps too. We see two tiny little figures with specks of light coming away from them. I turn back to see all the students crying. Harry comes running back with a few cuts on his face.

He finally cries. His sobs only makes me weep more. His shaky hands presses his eyes closed. Harry crawls over to me and throws his arms around me. Professor McGonagall behind us pointed her toward the sky and a small dim light appeared. The students quickly did the same.

Harry and I unlatched and I look up at her. She nods as a tear rolls down her cheek. Harry and I grab our wands and do the same. We stand there and stand there for what seemed like hours calming down, and sending thoughts and memories to Professor Dumbledore.

The man who cared for us when we thought we were freaks. The man who is kind enough to take you in and educate you. God i loved this man. He was family, next to Sirius, he was the only family Harry and I had left. But then I noticed something around his neck. It was a locket with a yellow background and a green 'S' embroidered with green small diamonds. I unlatch the necklace from around his neck. I wipe my eyes and walk back into the castle.

"Lilian what did you grab from around his neck?" Harry asks.

"Harry if someone calls me Lilian one more time i may punch them in the face." I say glaring at him.

"I'm sorry, but what did you grab?" He asks again.

"A locket." I say. I keep walking all the way to the library.

"Hermione! What are you doing here?" I ask hugging her. She hugged me back and wiped her eyes.

"As soon as I saw Dumbledore I came straight here. It's the only place that makes me calm down." She replies. I nod.

"Mione take a look at this." I say showing her the locket. She takes it and examines it. Then she slides her fingernail in between the two pieces and opens the locket. As she does a small crumpled up piece of paper falls out. I carefully pick it up and un crumple the piece of paper. Harry leans over my shoulder to read the note aloud.

"'To the Dark Lord, I know i will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B'"

Harry finishes and Hermione gasped.

"Horcrux? I've heard about these... You don't suppose.." Hermione says. The Dark Lord making horcruxes...

"Yes I suppose." Harry says.

"Wait are you telling me that Voldemort put his soul into seven different objects that we have no idea that are?" I ask them. Harry looks down.

"The book was one." Harry says. I look at him like he was crazy.

"How do you know that?" I ask him.

"Because while you were paralysed when I destroyed that book his form, his memory or what ever was destroyed when I destroyed the book." Harry says. "The more I got older the more i put two and two together."

"And you're telling me this now?!" I yell at him. He looks down but nods slightly.

"We need to find the other ones if we destroy the Horcruxes then we destroy Voldemort." Hermione says. We have to find those Horcruxes.. but what about Draco? I can't leave him but I can't have my brother go without me, he could die.

"What about Ronald? He won't forgive me and I may not either." I say.

"He is going to choose Harry over you Lily. And i'm coming too." Hermione says.

"Me too." I say. Harry gives me a look.

"No way, it's too dangerous. Besides it's my fight-"

"Not happenin Harry. I'm coming with and you can't stop me." I say picking up my things. It's time to find Draco. I walk back to Gryffindor tower and I see a distressed looking Narcissa and a sad Draco. He gets off of the couch and comes toward me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. I hug him back immediately.

"Do you know about the Horcruxes?" I ask him. I hear Narcissa gasp.

"How do you know about that?" She asks shaking.

"Harry knows now. Can you give us a lead?" I ask putting my stuff down on the coffee table.

"No i cannot. DI not bring it up." She says.

"Wait why do you need to know about it?" Draco asks.

"Because Harry, Ron, Hermione and I... Have to... Destroy... Them." I say slowly, looking down. He looks straight at me.

"You're leaving Hogwarts?" He asks. "You're leaving me?"

"Yes. I have to Draco, I have to protect my brother." I say my voice cracking.

"What about me? What am I going to do?" He asks taking my shoulders.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I ask him.

"My father still wants me to get the mark. He's going to force me." He says. I let the tears fall.

"I can't believe this. Are you going to do it?" I ask.

"I dunno. I'm going to try everything I can. But you can't leave me." He says cupping my cheek.

"I love you so much Draco, but i'm not leaving him. I will write to you, and i will fight for you. I want to keep you safe." I say stroking his cheek.

"What if my father makes me go?" He asks.

"Then you keep me in mind. If you end up being a death eater... Love me. Remember me. Because I love you and I think love will remind you who you are." I say.

"I love you Lilian Jennifer Potter." He says tears brimming his eyes.

"What did I say about using Lilian, Draco Lucius Malfoy?" I say fake scolding him and chuckling. He chuckles.

"If you go I want you to be you. I'll see you again. I know you won't do anything you don't want to. Just don't kill anyone." I say chuckling. He lets tears fall.

"Remember me Draco." I whispered. The tears are still plunging from my eyes when he kisses me roughly but passionately. I don't hesitate to kiss him back.

"I love you." He says leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you." I say meeting his eyes.

"I'll never forget you." He says. Then he's gone. And so is Narcissa. I stand there silently sobbing. Then Ron walks in.

"Lily, I heard. I am so sorry." he says. I don't say anything I just run towards him and fling my arms around him. He wraps his arms around my back.

"Did Hermione tell you about the Horcruxes?" I asked him. He nods.

"We need to go. Today."

(Author's note: Hello!! It's the end of the first one but I know i am making the second one, this time i'm going to follow the book and probably the movie a tad more closely, but hopefully this was ok. Thank you guys so much for reading. Comment if you have questions. It means so much to me. -Reagan.)

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