Chapter 11

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"I'm Lilian Potter. I prefer Lily, I hate Lilian. It's a pleasure to meet you ms. Malfoy." I say smiling. Draco smirks.

"Please call me Narcissa." She smiles at me. I nod. Narcissa hugs Draco again and he gladly does the same.

"She is gorgeous Draco you were right." She smiles at me then her son.

"Thank you. Draco?" I ask smirking and raising a brow.

"Er um I wrote about you in my letter to mum." He says, his face turning red. He clears his throat.

"Oh? What did you say?" I ask him trying to get him to be embarrassed.

"Here, I have it here-"

"Mum not now, i'll tell her later, come on Professor Dumbledore said you can go with Lily." Draco says. Narcissa has a limp so i take her arm and help her walk. When we arrive to the Gryffindor Tower everyone is in the common room. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Harry.

"No way in bloody hell!" Ron says standing up.

"Dumbledore already-" I try to explain.

"I don't care what he said I am not sleeping in the same room as another Slytherin. I can't even stand Malfoy, i'm NOT doing this with another Malfoy. No way in bloody hell." He says again.

"Keep going Ronald keep insulting them and I. You don't like it take it up with Professor Dumbledore." I say narrowing my eyes. I kick Harry and Ginny off the couch to lay Narcissa on.

"You can take my bed until Professor Dumbledore knows what to do. Have you eaten?" I ask her.

"Yes, Albus brought some food for me." Narcissa replies. I nod.

"Here come on, I'll lead you to my bed." I say. I take her arm once again and we walk to my bed. I help her up and leave the girl's dormitory. Then I see Ron's fists up and Draco pissed off. Harry is pissed off at both of them and is holding Ron back while Ginny is next to Draco. They all look pissed off. Hermione looks worried and the twins look amused.

"Ok who started it." I ask.

"Ronald did." Ginny says her face still red.

I sigh. Draco looks like he's going to Kill Ronald, so does Ginny.

"You know so much for Gryffindor bravery Ron. Maybe you'd be better at Slytherin." I say. Draco looks hurt and Ron was beyond hurt, he looked like someone murdered his father in front of him. I have had enough of this. Ronald picking fights about Draco, Death Eaters, Slytherin, Gryffindor. I walk out of the Portrait, Draco and Harry calling my name. I just keep on walking until I'm outside. Before I know what i'm doing i'm in front of Hagrids. I knock on the door and I hear fang barking.

"Quiet Fang!" I hear Hagrid yell I smile. Then he opens the door.

"Hoi Lily!" He says smiling. He takes me in for a hug.

"How've ya been?" Hagrid asks.

"Not so good Hagrid. I'm dating Drac-"

"Draco Malfoy? You?" He asks surprised.

"Hagrid!" I whine letting the tears fall.

"Oh uh sorry, go on." He says recollecting himself.

"Ronald is picking fights with him and he insulted me, made me cry the other night and it's all been upsetting. Narcissa Malfoy escaped the Death Eaters and Professor doesn't have a chamber to put her in yet so she's staying in the Gryffindor tower because Dumbledore thinks that Gryffindor is better than Slytherin for her. I don't know but i'm not complaining. She is a sweet woman. Ronald is the only one that is so unsupportive but Harry, Fred, George Ginny and Hermione thinks it's good because i'm finally happy! And I am happy Hagrid!" I say really fast letting the tears fall down.

"Come in Lil. Alright start from der beginnin'." Hagrid says. I sit down at the table and Fang attacks me with his tongue. I laugh and push him down but still pet him.

"Ok so Professor Slughorn pared Draco and I together. That lesson we went to the forest to find knotgrass and aother ingredients to make the liquid luck potion. We go into an argument and he kissed me. We didn't know where we stood for a few days but we got closer and closer. We made the love potion the other day, he smelled me, my perfume and the scent of my hair. I smelled him. He told me he loved me. The Ronald kept getting mad at me and told me that he would never love me. Then the next day he said the only reason i was so upset was because i knew it was true." I say wiping my eyes.

"Now I don't agree wid yer decision on datin' Malfoy, But yeh seem happy but i do not like what Ron said." Says Hagrid.

"He really hurt me Hagrid. He said all those things about him never loving me. He was there when Draco confessed that he cared about me." I say.

"He flat out confessed that eh?" Hagrid asks. I nod.

"Well he wound't say it just for nothin'." He says. I giggle.

"Right?" I say.

"Tell you what, next time i see Ron i'll talk to him." Hagrid says smiling. I smile at him back.

"Thank you Harid, for the talk."

"Yer Welcome." He says. We hug and I kiss him on the cheek. I leave and make it back to the castle.

I make it to the Gryffindor common room and sit next to harry. He wraps an arm around my shoulder when Harry winces hitting me in the head and his hands shoots to his scar on his forehead. I shriek when a stabbing pain comes to my arm. I cover my arm trying desperately to ease the pain. I look at Harry with horror.

"Dumbledore. Let's go."

We both get off the couch and run towards his office. Harry and I scream the password together and the staircase opens. Narcissa and Dumbledore were already there, before we could get a word in Dumbledore tells us to go down below the wooden floor. My heart pounding with fear Narcissa nods and I follow Harry down the ramp down the stairs. Then a moment later BellaTrix LeStrange appears with more Death Eaters. Harry has to cover my mouth from keeping me from screaming in pain due to my arm. There is a small gap in the wood so Harry and I can watch what's happening. Dumbledore looks at us. The look of horror is glued to my face.

"BellaTrix. Good evening." Dumbledore says calmly.

Harry and i jump as Professor Snape taps our shoulders putting his index finger to his mouth telling us to be quiet. He walks up the ramp with his wand ready.

"Hello traitor sister." BellaTrix growls.

"Hello sister." Narcissa replies calmly. Then BellaTrix and Narcissa gasp.

"Severus." Dumbledore says.

"Too bad Draco isn't here to finish the job for you Severus." BellaTrix sneers. A single tear rolls down my cheek, My heart pounding with each word they speak.

"Well how about i make this easy-" Dumbledore says taking his wand but is cut off by Bellatrix shouting-

"Expelliarmus!" Disarming HeadMaster Dumbledore making his wand fly behind him. I see the look of sadness and grief cross professor Snape's face.

"You're here to kill me arent you." Dumbledore asks still calm. BellaTrix laughs a scary maniacal laugh. I cringe at her high pitched laugh. I feel like I'm going to faint i can barely breathe.

"Yes." BellaTrix smiles. "Snape would you like to do the honors or shall i?"

"No it will be I." Snape says. I feel my heart breaking in a million pieces.

"Avada Kedavra!"
Snape yells as a gush of green light blinds us and Professor Dumbledore falls down the tower. Harry had to cover my mouth and hold me back. Whispering in my ear. "It will be ok." over and over again. I heard Narcissa gasp and the death eaters all laugh but Snape is just standing there still in his wand position. Then I hear a whip of the wand of the laughter is gone. Harry let's me go and I use my hand to cover my mouth. Tears are rolling down my face as Narcissa looks at me with tears brimming her eyes. Her mouth wide open. I choke back a sob but it comes out more of a scream that stops mid sound. Then that's when I take my hand off of my mouth and scream.

Then I run.

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