Chapter 10

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I spent the day with Draco reading. We were laying on the couch Draco's arm around my shoulder and reading a book about Hogwarts myths and legends- Myth or truth? I was reading about the Forbidden forest and the Creatures that live within. Then the portrait hole opens revealing Ron's arm wrapped around Hermione and she's laughing.

"Lily i'm-"

"Go to hell Ron." I cut him off. I say simply.

"Lilian come on." Ron says.

"What did I say about using Lilian, Ronald?!" I yell at him leaning my book down. I feel Draco squeeze my shoulder. I lean my book back up so I can finish reading it.

"Ron come on you can't expect her to forgive you one day after you insulted her." Hermione says. Thanks Mione.

"The only reason you're upset is because you know it's true." he mumbles. I flip.

I fly off the couch and stand straight in front of him, my face inches away.

"You say one more word Ronald. Don't talk. Not to Draco and definitely not to me." I seeth through my clenched teeth. Draco is by my side now taking my hand gently.

"Not that i'd want to talk to Malfoy anyway!" He yells I don't listen i just follow Draco out of the portrait, I was looking down and i nearly killed myself. I knocked into Ginny and we both fell flat on our asses. Harry and Draco are doubled over laughing. Ginny and I giggle. Ginny gets up and she offers me her hands. I take them and she boosts me up. She gives me a big hug and I gladly except.

"You and Ro-"

"Don't even say his name." I say cutting her off. I say pissed off.

"Sorry. I don't know what's going on with him." She says looking off to the portrait.

"He just told me that i was upset because i knew it was true." I say choking back a sob. Draco takes my waist hugging me. I do the same.

"I'm sorry Lily. Do you want to come to dinner with us? Draco?" Ginny asks. I look up to Draco, i smile at him and he smiles too.

"yes I would love that." Draco says. Harry steps forward and hugs me.

"You seem happy." He whispers. "Finally."

"You too Harry. It's been a while." I whisper letting a stray tear fall. He hugs me harder and lets go. I see a tear fall, and I smile a sad smile and wipe it away.

"Come on, let's go to dinner." I say. Draco snakes an arm around my waist. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap an arm around his waist.

"So what's been going on lately?" I ask Harry.

"Nothing really, except Blaize made an appearence in Potions today." Ginny answers.

"Really? And Pansy?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is more bitchy that usual though." Ginny says.

"Huh. What'd she do?" Draco asks.

"Screamed at Professor Slughorn about telling him to stop telling her what to do when she wasn't doing the potion right." Harry snickers.

Draco laughs.

"Wow fun period eh?" I laugh.

"It was quite amusing." Ginny answers.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Professor McGonagall almost had a heart attack when Seamus tried to transfigure a bug to a button... didn't work well." Harry laughs.

"Oh dear." I giggle.

"Erm Fred and George managed to get yelled at today as well, pissed of Snape... bad idea." Harry chuckles.

"What's they do now?" I chuckle again.

"Set off a firework trying to disrupt his class, they said he wanted to give a laugh because Professor Flitwick was boring." Ginny says laughing.

"You mean they got out of Flitwick's class just to annoy Snape?" I laugh.

"Yeah i can't believe they got away with it too!" Ginny says laughing.

"How the bloody hell did they manage that?" Draco scoffs.

"They ran." Harry answers simply. We all burst out laughing. Then the food came when the owls came delivering mail. Draco tenses as he sees his owl Adkin with a letter.

Dear Draco,

Thank you for the letter my son I'm trying to get away from your father soon enough to apparate out of this hell hole. I've figured out a plan to apparate when he is in a meeting for men only. This is hard for me, leaving my sister but Draco this is hell for me. Tonight is the meeting and i'm going to see you soon. Burn this when you get it.

Much Love, Mum

I read it after he does. He seems a little tense.

"Draco this is amazing! She's safe! She's coming!" I say smiling. He smiles too but it quickly fades. He's worried. I force him to eat some soup but he doesn't finish the bowl. Neither do I. He waits for me to finish and he takes my hand and we run to Dumbledore's office.

"Oh Ms. potter, Mr. Malfoy, I was just coming to look for you." Professor McGonagall stops us.

"Is she here? Is she safe? Is she asking for me?" Draco asks all these questions all at once.

"Go up." Professor says. "Sherbet Lemon." Professor whispers and the stair case reveals itself. When we get up to Headmaster's office Draco has to stop himself from barging in and knocks real fast.

We hear a 'come in' and Draco opens the door. We see Headmaster Dumbledore in his seat and Narcissa Malfoy standing there. Draco runs to his mum hugging her like her life depended on it. She hugs him back and gasps.

"Oh Draco, my boy!" She says letting a tear fall.

"I'm so glad you're here safe." He says. I smile at him.

"Mum I want you to meet someone." Draco says letting go of her. She looks over at me. Draco walks over to me and kisses my cheek. His hand wanders to my waist and brings me over here.

"You know Draco, I have the letter you wrote to me." She says smiling. Draco's face goes bright red.

"Mum don't." He says scowling

"Hello dear I'm Narcissa." She says smiling.

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