Chapter 8

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Draco's POV

Lily spends the night in the hospital with me by my side, never leaving me. I wake up before she does due to Madam Pomfrey bustling about.

I take a moment to take in her features. Her head is buried into my side with my arm around her. Her mouth is closed and her eyes are too, breathing peacefully but heavily to where you can hear her breathing. Her arms are wrapped around me, and her legs are intertwined with mine. Her locks of red hair are framing her face, her long hair is on my arms tickling my skin. I don't think i've ever slept this nice since i can remember. She moves a little bit before her eyes flutter open, and they adjust to the light. She groans, stretches and sighs. I chuckle.

"Good morning love." I say, she realises what she did and her hand flew to her forehead.

"Wonderful, i made the most sexual noise i could in front of you. How wonderful." She says her face red with embarrassment.

"I love it, i love the red your face gets red." I say.

"mhm." She says smirking.

"Well Mr. Malfoy, you can go back to your house. Lily you have special orders to go and check on him whenever you see fit." She smiles at Lily.

"Alright, let's get you up and out of here. I'm going to Potions class." Lily says sliding off the cot. Shit! The love potion is being made today!

"Madam Pomfrey! Madam Pomfrey!" I yell scaring Lily.

"Can I start school today?" I beg.

"Well i wouldn't like you to, but if you think you can handle it then fine." She replies. I smile.

"Draco are you sure?" Lily asks concerned.

"Yes, the love potion is today." I say smirking. "I want to know what you smell." I say. Lily smirks.

"Really? so you want to know if I smell you?" She asks.

"Well.. I know you'll smell me, i smell good." I wink. She laughs and scoffs.

"What makes you think i'll smell you?" She asks trading hips with her arms crossed.

"Come on Potter, i'm irresistable." I say smirking, emphasizing the 'irresistable'.

She scoffs again.

"Mhm get you ass whooped and still you're an arrogant bastard." She says rolling her eyes, but can't help the smile that spreads across her features. I seize her waist and bring her close. She squeals and giggles. Good thing we are alone.

"Rolling your eyes like that makes me want to lay you here and shag you." I growl huskily as I can.

She gasps and her cheeks come off as that crimson color again. I let go of her waist and swing my legs over the side of the cot working my way up to getting off of it. Big mistake. My head shoots a pins and needles pain. I wince and bring my hand to my head.

"Draco what's wrong?" Lily asks me.

"Nothing just my head." I say shrugging it off, I didn't realise how much my rib hurt until i got out of bed. I crumble and Lily half catches me.

"Woah easy.. Here wrap your arm around my neck, i'll help." She says. I groan as my arm goes around her necks and one hand holds my hand on her neck and the other one goes around my waist. I'm half on her as she is helping me walk. I groan with each step, but i feel better with each step i take too.

"Episkey." She says with her wand. I straighten up so i don't look like an igor. My breathing is better now so i can finally walk better. I keep my arm around her shoulders and bring her closer.

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