Through Thick And Thin

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I wake up the next morning before Michael does. I suddenly feel embarrassed that I'm naked so I put my clothes back on. I know I can't wear these to school today though, maybe I can borrow some more... I'm not looking forward to facing my mom.

I sigh. Thank God it's Friday.

Michael groans and rolls onto his stomach. He opens his eyes after a minute and looks up at me. He smiles.

"Good morning." He reaches over and rubs my leg. "How'd you sleep?" He asks.

I smile. "Great."

He sits up and stretches. "Me too."

He stares at me for a second, then glances at the clock. "Guess we should get ready for school, huh?"

"Mhm...But, Michael?"


I blush, cause I don't really wanna ask. "Can I borrow some more clothes?"

He gives me a slightly confused look.

I pick up my phone and show him the many missed calls and messages from my mom.

"I just...really don't feel like dealing with that right now " I say.

He nods understandingly.

"I bet Janet would let you borrow some of hers."

I nod. Janet and I have never talked, so I'm pretty nervous about asking her. Michael seems to read my mind.

"I'll ask her." He says. He gets up and quickly puts on some sweatpants and walks out the door. I stare after him. He's so sweet. He's a really good boyfriend too.

He comes back after a few minutes with an outfit of clothes in his hand.

I smile at him as he hands them to me. "Thanks."

"Mhm." He kisses my cheek.

"You can get the first shower, I'm still waking up." He says.

I nod and walk into the bathroom, strip down, and get in the shower. When I get out and walk back into his room, he wraps me into his arms and pulls me into a sweet kiss.

°•°•°•°•°•Michael's POV°•°•°•°•°•

I pull away from the kiss, smiling. I'm so glad she stayed the night, the more time I spend with her the more I like spending time with her. I realized that there's more to her than I thought, more than most people think. She's amazing.

She's blushing slightly as she walks further into my room. She puts her dirty clothes into her backpack, which she had left here a couple days ago.

"I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be out in a minute." I say and take a quick shower. I take us to school in my car.

When we get there, she's sees her friends and leaves to hang with them, but not before a long kiss. I stare after her for a minute as she walks away. I'm shaken back to reality by a slap on by back. I look towards who gave it and see Kevin and David.

"You've really got her Michael." David says.

I look at him. I almost forgot about the whole bet thing.

"Oh. Yeah, I think so." I say.

"I saw her go home with you yesterday. How involved are you getting with her Mike?" Asks Kevin.

"As involved as it takes." I say, feeling guilty but trying not to let it show in my voice.

"Well, I think you're with her too much. She'd fall for you if all you did was text her. She's so pathetic." Says David.

The Player's Bet ( A Michael Jackson fanfic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن