one - Tricks and Treats

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"Now, who's ready to get fucked up tonight?"

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"Now, who's ready to get fucked up tonight?"

"Me!" Jade and I both reply to Lyra's exclamation while Dahlia says, "Not me."

Lyra wraps her arm around Lia's shoulders and says, "Well, I know that. Who else would make sure our drunk asses get home?"

"I don't know, probably the guy you slept with that night," Lia slightly mumbles.

Lyra removes her arm from her shoulders and places her hand on her heart. "Ouch, D. Words hurt you know."

"What? You can't tell me you're not getting drunk and having sex with a stranger tonight?" Dahlia questions with her eyebrows raised.

"I was planning on it, but you didn't have to say it like that," Lyra says and adds a fake sniffle at the end.

"Bitch, stop acting. Your feelings aren't hurt," I finally add after putting on my last heel.

Lyra goes behind Dahlia. Yeah, like that will do anything.

"Enough! Stop it," Dahlia exclaims. "I wonder why I'm still friends with you guys."

"Because you love us," I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.

Laughs are being shared as I get off Lyra's bed and walk over to her mirror to check myself.

Tonight's October 31st, Halloween. You know what that means: I'm going to get shitfaced at a party. My childhood friends and I -well, maybe not Dahlia- love to go out and let loose all of our pent-up stress and tension. With our lifestyle, we need some kind of outlet. Besides partying, mine would have to be figure skating and swimming.

Our private school for the gifted doesn't have any fraternities, so that means no parties here. Sad, I know, but there's local clubs and different fraternities from neighboring colleges for us to party at.

Tonight we're going to a fraternity house that hosts the best Halloween/costume party. We've celebrated Halloween there since the age of 18, when we started going to the final school of our private school system. Last year we went as two devils and two angels. The two darker haired girls went as the devils, and Lyra and I went as the angels. It probably should've been Dahlia as the angel, because she's the only one close to being an angel with her innocence and all. However, the devil costume looked better with her hair and skin tone than it did on either Lyra or me.

We all looked smoking hot nonetheless, and I loved my costume. The angel look got me some nice dick that night.

Yes, I engage in casual sex and hook ups. I don't do it all the time, but I do sometimes. It doesn't make me a whore or a slut. I, like any girl, am allowed to like sex and have meaningless versions of it. Guys aren't the only ones who enjoy pleasure; we're all human.

Anyways, this year the girls and I are going as Greek goddesses. You can't really tell because we all look the same with our white dresses and gold jewelry, but we are going as four different ones. Jade's going as Athena, Lyra's going as Persephone, Dahlia's going as Artemis, and I'm going as Aphrodite. You can tell which ones we are by our necklaces that have our goddess on them.

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