We're More Than Friends

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Some what nsfw

This.. This morning.
Was an amazing morning. Because when I woke up, I saw her pretty face.
We aren't friends anymore Shinobu. We're together as one and the love that I feel with her and only her is something I never want to forget about.

I love you so much Shinobu, I wish she was awake so I could tell her this. But her peacefully sleepy face is just so beautiful to look at. I feel like I'm being blessed by a goddess itself.

I shuffled myself closer to her, making my hand hold the back of her. Leaning our foreheads together, my smile almost reaching my ears. After those movements she began to shuffle around as well. Her eyes slowly fluttering up.

"Good morning Bu Bu."
I say kissing her cheek.

She blushed, I pulled my hand away from her head and slowly interlocked them with her soft small hands.

"So, Shinbu."
"We aren't friends anymore.. right?"


I sigh, "I mean.., are we together now?"

"Jesus! Yes of course we're."

"Good, then lets go on a date!"
I sat up, smiling even more.

"Its only 11am y/n, what do you have planned?"

"You shall not worry about that my dear! I have everything planned out!"

"Okay okay."

"Get yourself dress, I'll be waiting in the kitchen."
I get out of bed, and a burden of chills follow after me. I then freeze after I hear Shinobu laughing her ass off.

"Your naked!! AHAHAHHAH"
She was wheezing as I turned completely red.

"Y-Your naked too!"
I yank off the blanket from her, seeing her smooth silky skin.

"God I'm so lucky."

"S-Shut up!"
She spat out, being completely embarrassed.

"Sorry sorry, just get changed beautiful."
I wink at her and pick up my boxers, pulling them over my legs while
following down to the kitchen.

I grab a red aporn, and put over myself, "Hmm, what should I cook?"
I pull my hair back, walking over to the kitchen. I look through the fridge.

"I could make some eggs.., with? Or no, french toast?"

"French toast!"
"She likes French toast right?"
Eh either way is she doesn't, I'll make it her eat it. A big smirk pulled up on my face as I took out the ingredients I needed.

Next I took out a pan, placing it down on the stove and turning it on afterwards. I get out two gets and crack them against the pan letting the yolk run down making a nice sizzling noise fill my ears. I then quickly take out a slice of bread and dip it in before the eggs get burn. Taking out a spatula, flipping it on the other side. Cracking another egg and letting it cook for a while.

After giving it some time I flip it over onto a plate , setting it down on the table. Making another for myself.   

As I waited for mine to cook I place down a two cups and fill them with orange juice. After taking it out from the fridge.  

My French toast was now down, taking it off the pan and setting it down on my plate. I place my plate down, also sitting down afterwards.

"Shinobu!! Foods ready!"

"Coming!" She calls out, I wait for her to step out and when I do. I'm stunned, she looks so beautiful.
A lavender silk dress, dripping down to her knees. While her hair was down and her front types curled.


"Wow what?" She grinned walking over and sitting down.

"I don't know.. just, wow."

"Heh thanks y/n."

"I-.., you're just so beautiful."
My expression made her almost laugh, I couldn't contain myself.. how could I when she look so.. so amazing, and pretty.

"T-Thank you."

"Yeah! Enjoy!"
I smiled, she smiled with me.

We both began to eat, the room filled up with laughs, smiles, and yells. Talking to each other like normal, but this time. We both know how much in love we are. Well I hope so..

After a while we both finished, "Give me your bowl I'll quickly clean tem and we can go!" 

"No Y/n, let me do them."

"Then will do them together." I grinned, she pouted but then agreed walking over to the sink. 

We put the dishes down, she grabbed the soap and I turned on luke warm water. 

"I wonder."

"What?" She asks. 

"Will this be the same after we get married?" 

Her face turned completely red I grinned and continued
 while washing my bowl over with the sponge.  

"I hope so.., because this feeling is a good feeling." I said, then leaned
down and kissed her cheek. 

"S-Stop that!" She stammered out being completely embarrassed.  

"Aww, what's the matter? Is my love too much for you?" 

She stayed quite making a puting face, ignoring my question while finishing up. 

My grin got bigger. I took her hands with one of mine then with my other hand I grabbed a towel and dried them together. "I've never felt like this Shinobu.., So in the meaning of that. I want to be thes best boyfriend I could possibly. Understood?" 

"Understood Y/n." 

"Now lets go on ou-"

This fucking crow came out of nowhere!!

"Jesus!! Now?!" I Asked, being completely upset. 

"YES NOW!!" 
After the bird said those words,  I sighed and pulled Shinobu into a hug. 

"I'm sorry.., next time will go on the date." I said, sighing again. 

"It's okay Y/n, at least will be together."


She nuzzled my chest, as slowly went to hold her hand. 

"Time to go Shinobu."


We both smiled at each other, and slowly began to get in our stance. Running out of the door. 


Hello! Thank you once again for reading my story! There will be an end to this story, I'm guessing within two more chapters. Thank you all for reading this story. I hope you all have a great day! I''l see you all next time <3

The New Slayer || Shinobu x Male Reader ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora