Part 10

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                                Marissa POV
I'm worried. Badly. About everything. I worry about Demi, and Silas. Demi called me so panicked yesterday and Silas, they seem so I can't even describe it. I saw the scars on Silas's arm and I don't want to see any show on Demi's. Maybe it really would be best if Demi sent Silas to Timberline. Silas needs help and maybe Demi being around Silas might not be best. I walked downstairs and saw Demi attempting to make god knows what and Silas sitting quietly on a bar stool. "Hey Demi what the hell are you trying to make?" Demi shook their head and said "pancakes. I'm not that bad you know. It will be probably another hour or so. Mar why don't you and Si go walk around or something until I'm done?" I nodded "ok just don't burn the house down. You want to Si?" I asked Silas carefully. Silas nodded and got up brushing some small crumbs off her pants. I gestured towards the door and started walking. When I got my boots on and grabbed a coat Silas was beside me slipping on a beanie. Then we started walking. "So, Marissa haven't seen you in a while" Silas said laughing a little at the end I nodded "long time no see squirt" I said "quit calling me that Mar" they said laughing a little. The walk was really quite nice until Silas's sleeve rode up a little I saw the scars. Every single one and I felt so so bad for them. Silas looked at me and quickly without even thinking tugged their sleeve down and grasped it with their hand. "You don't have to hide that you know. I'm not gonna judge you" Silas nodded and I grabbed their hand feeling it shake. We had on and off conversations until finally Silas asked "I know that you are worrying about it. Is Demi gonna ship me off to Timberline Knolls?" I shook my head "no squirt" I said ruffling their hair. "Hey! Don't do that Mar" Silas said chuckling "sorry short stack" "considering we are literally the same height that name is not appropriate" I nodded "fair enough" we walked back to the house and Silas asked shaky "Do you want to maybe watch a movie with me? If you have time and stick around" I nodded "sure Si why the fuck not" and we walked back on and off small talk until right before we hit the drive way "let's hope to god that Demi didn't burn anything down while we were out walking. We really should not leave them alone" I said laughing "or let them cook" Silas added on laughing. First time I've gotten a genuine laugh from Silas since well since they were little. Getting to the door Silas looked at me "thanks" Silas said and I nodded to that tucking a piece of hair behind their ear. They smiled softly before that smile vanished. We walked in to the house and I shouted "we are home!" To which Si and I both heard "you don't technically live here Mar! But o-fuck" Silas and I both looked moderately panicked. Although Demi usually swears like a sailor I always still get slightly concerned "I'm good I'm good" Demi yelled. "Shit. Alright" I said. Silas smiled and went grabbing a plate of small pancakes and sitting down on the couch. They began eating so quickly I joined them and Demi did as well. We are for a while until we selected a movie for us all three to watch. "Horror?" Someone asked and everyone nodded. We couldn't find a movie however so we ended up watching true crime.
Hey, I really need suggestions! I'm taking almost anything as of now. This was decent. Anyone know anything about Marissa? I don't lol. Enjoy the book

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