Merlin (A/N)

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Do you ever have those dreams? Those ones where you're falling and it feels so endless. Like you'll be stuck there falling forever without end. And then when you finally do land you're nothing but disoriented and afraid? That summed up pretty much what I felt.

I had died. But I had done so looking at the face of the man who changed my life, the man I would love even in death. So that makes it all alright I guess. 

I saw a light. And a shadow. "My son." There stood my father, King Balinor in all his glory. His blue coat shining and his crown as glorious as it had been all those years ago. "Father." I ran to him. "No!" I stopped at his shout. "If you touch me... you have to come with me." "W-where?" "To die, Merlin. To die." "B-but!" I could stay with him. I could be reunited with my brother and mother as well. I could be happy there. Finally, I could be happy. "No! Your friends, family, are out there! Agravaine has sent me one of my sons before his time. I will not let him send any more of my family here." I hung my head. "Besides you have someone waiting for you down there. Don't you?" I turned a deep red. "I- uh- what- no- falsehood!" My father chuckled. "He's good for you. Now go to him. He's in danger."

My eyes shot open as I heard Arthur gasping for air. I was still in pain. My magic couldn't contain itself. It knew Arthur was in trouble. It blasted out of my body. I screamed at the feeling it gave, like glass shooting out from beneath my skin. The intruder fell to the ground. Everyone's eyes fell on me. My sister, my knights, the knights of Camelot, and Gaius rushed to my side. Arthur stood to the side, he wanted to do something but not in front of everyone I could tell. "Dani." My voice was barely above a whisper. "Knights. Gaius. If you would please. I need to speak with th-the king." I tried to keep the nervousness out of my voice and failed. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, Arthur could always read me. Always. They each gave a nod or bow before leaving the room. He was furious. I knew he would hate me, that's why I was so willing to die. But I couldn't leave him in trouble. I couldn't leave him to die because... I, Merlin the servant/son/warlock/king/brother, am madly deeply in love with Arthur Pendragon, the king/friend and he doesn't feel the same, in fact, he hates me.

"A-Arthur?" He made his way to me slowly, heartbreakingly slow. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "Merlin." He stepped closer. He kneeled next to the cot where I was sitting. "Merlin look at me." He turned my head with his finger. "Please. Don't be mad at me." "Merls. I'm not mad at you. Just look at me." I slowly looked at him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Don't do that again!" He pulled away to lean his forehead against mine. "I love you too." He gently pressed his lips to mine. Our lips fit perfectly together, like magic, or destiny, or whatever. Tears stained my cheeks. "What's wrong baby?" He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "I'm so happy. I finally have you." He kissed me again. "And I have you now too."

There was a knock on the door. "Enter." Arthur pulled away reluctantly. Dani ran into the room and wrapped her arms around me, near squeezing the life out of me. "Now you listen here you dollophead! If you do that again I will not hesitate to throw you off the bloody castle, you got it?!" I chuckled softly. "Yes yes, of course, my sister." "Um not to be rude but WHAT? If she's your sister that means that you're a prince."

"Me? A prince? Nahhhh, " I paused and let a smirk overtake my face, "I'm a king."


A/N: Uhhh hey guys it's been a while. If you liked this then big thanks to @Anaelise31  who motivated my ass to update this thing. Lemme know if you want more. Stay hot babes ;)

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