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Pain was echoing through my head. I groaned and opened my eyes. "Oh how lucky! You're awake!" I looked and saw a familiar woman smirking at me. Morgana. "Morgana what do you need of me? Let me go!" She walked towards me, knife in hand. "You are always ruining my plans. Therefore you must know of my enemy. Emrys." The fear showed in her voice. "Who?" I asked comically. Of course I knew of Emrys. He's me. She scowled. "Tell me who he is and I won't harm you." "Who is whom?" She brought the blade to my chest and sliced. I bit back my scream. She smiled and brought out a potion. She poured it on her dagger and pressed the tip to my now bare chest. It felt like fire. "Awww does that hurt Merlin?" She chuckled. "It's poison my dear! Now if you want the cure you'll tell me who Emrys is. Simple as that darling!" I screamed in pain. "Let me go Morgana!" My voice was harsh. Morgana was almost shocked by my tone. She had never seen me shout. She smirked. "Don't worry my pet! This isn't the end!" She said in a sickly sweet tone.

Hours, and hundreds of painful cuts and whips, later Morgana smiled evilly. "Goodbye for now Merlin! I'll be back later but don't worry I'll make sure you have some company." She whispered an incantation and a snake entered the empty hut. I recognized it immediately and jumped back as far as I could while my hands were bound and hung from a beam. "M-Morgana! Please no! I don't know who Emrys is!" She chuckled. "Too late Merlin! He's angry!" She seemed delighted as the snake curled around my neck. I struggled and it hissed before digging its fangs deep into my chest, just an inch or so away from my heart. I screamed, louder than ever before. I cried out in pain and even someone as evil as Morgana was pitying me. Her face was a ghost, pale and regretful. I screamed louder as the poison entered my bloodstream. She gasped. I could tell she regretted what she had done, but she wouldn't stop the thing. The snake poured more and more of its poison into me and the pain was unbearable. Morgana's evilness returned and she began laughing as my screaming stopped. "Please tell me you're dead." I felt blood drip from my lips, I was unsure of how it got there. "No." I managed through the pain. She smiled slightly and left.

It had been a day. I was going to die. I had a week left at most. My magic was the only thing keeping me alive. She came into the hut and chuckled at the sight of me. "If only your king could see you now. Oh wait! He can!" "Morgana no." With a few words and the wave of her hand, there was a screen in front of her. It showed Arthur, his knights, my knights, and... my sister... "Hello brother!" Arthur turned and growled. "I have more important things than you!" He spat. My sister stood to his right. "Who's the ugly one Arthur?" Danielle asked and I chuckled, which caused me to wince. "Oh! Well then I'll tell Merlin he can wait until he's a priority." All of the knights stood behind their masters and friends. Arthur was angry, furious. "WHERE IS HE?! If you have even laid a hand on him I will end you!!" She smiled. "I haven't touched him with a finger. A knife? A snake? A whip? I can't say the same." She shifted the screen and let my friends look at me. "MERLIN!" Arthur screamed. "Hello... Prat." I said through the pain. Arthur walked away with pain and sadness etched all over his face.

I looked at my sister and our knights. "Merlin?" She asked. I nodded. "Hello princess." She smiled. "Knights of Pax and Camelot," I began, "Watch over the princess and the king," I glanced at Morgana, "Don't come it's a trap!!" Morgana waved her hand and the screen disappeared. "You made a mistake trying to warn your friends Merlin!" She grabbed the knights and began slicing away at my legs, arms, and neck. I shouted and she silenced me with a finger. "Who is Emrys?" "I don't know Morgana. But I do know one thing... " "What?" she asked curiously. "If Arthur sees me like this... He'll kill you." "Well then I'll just leave you here to die. He won't save you. He won't find you." "He'll find me Morgana. You know he will." "Not alive." She brought the screen back. "Oh knights!" The knights all turned and stood immediately. "Merlin!" Gawain was terrified. Lancelot was angry, almost as angry as Arthur was. "Let him go Morgana! He has done nothing!" "I just wanted to show you him one last time before he died. Say goodbye Merlin." "They will find me." "Say it!" "Nope." She grabbed the whip off the ground and cracked it against my back. I screamed. "Say it Merlin!" "Goodbye!!!" "That's better," She smiled and kissed my shoulder, "That's a good boy," She began kissing my neck and I struggled, "Now I want you to tell your king everything. Goodbye knights."

The screen left again and she stood in front of me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Poor baby! Let me help you take your mind off of the pain!" She forced her lips onto mine. I tried my hardest to get away. "Why won't you accept me Merlin?!?! We would be so perfect together!!" "Even if you weren't evil I love another." "Who is this woman? You aren't with anyone." "I know that I'm not. But my feelings aren't returned." "Then be with me!! I'm powerful! You'd be happy!" "But he- she is too important to me." "He?" "N-no I meant-" "Arthur. It's him isn't it?" "Of course not!" "That's why you didn't call for him when my men captured you. You didn't want him to get hurt." I hung my head down. "No." "But he doesn't love you! No one will love you like I do! Be with me!" "Okay... If you promise no harm will come to any of them... Then I'll be yours." "Deal." She used her magic to free me and caught me as I fell. "Let's go my love."

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