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Lancelot found me after I had stormed off. "Leave me. It's an order." "Arthur... She wanted us to tell you everything." "Why?" "She came back. She was kissing him. She said," Lancelot looked as if he was on the brink of tears, "She said that she wanted him to say goodbye... he might be... gone." I stood abruptly and silently got on my horse.

The knights and Danielle followed me as I rode. There was no set destination. Suddenly the light appeared. Aha! I started following. We rode for a whole day when we arrived at the gates of Camelot. It continued all the way to my throne room. I ran after it. I'd kill Morgana after I saved Merls!! Suddenly the light stopped at my throne. I sat. The light began speaking in a deep tone. "King Arthur. I know that you think this has led you to your Manservant Merlin. But no. This has led you to where you belong: on your throne. If you have any message for Merlin please tell me alone, all of you." "I'll go first," I said. The others left me with the orb.

"Can you tell Merlin... tell Merls that I need him? That he needs to find his way back to me? Please?" "I will deliver the message." I left the throne room and my knights went in, one by one. Then the knights of Pax. Finally, Danielle. She had never met him and she mourned him.

I rode out on my own. I rode farther and farther until I saw a hut. I got off of my (high) horse and looked inside. There was blood all over the floor and shackled attached to a beam. This was where Merlin was held. "Merlin," I whispered sadly. I was too late. I stormed out and saw something in the distance: a castle. I ran. I ran and I ran. I saw some of Morgana's men at the door. I defeated them easily and slammed through the doors. MORGANA!! I found what I assumed to be the 'throne room' and snuck inside. The scene I saw angered me. Merlin had a metal collar on his neck and Morgana was standing aggravatingly close to him. She leaned in close to him. "Now Merls what did we say?" Merlin mumbled something I couldn't hear. Apparently Morgana couldn't either. "Speak louder!" "If I don't obey you hurt them! I'm sorry!" Merlin looked so afraid. "You know that only you feel that way don't you Lin?" "I know. But-" "NO! HE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU MERLIN! I AM WILLING TO FORGET ABOUT EMRYS FOR YOU! HE HATES YOU MERLIN! BUT I LOVE YOU!" "STOP IT!" He shouted. He had tears in his eyes.

Slowly he looked into her eyes. "Morgana?" "Yes my love?" That made me indescribably angry. "What would you say if... if I could make sure you never hurt any of them again?" "What do you mean Merlin?" For once I agreed with Morgana's thoughts. "I've already had my goodbyes sent." "Merlin." "I'm magic Morgana." What?! WHAT??!! No. No it isn't true. "That's even better my darling! He's lived in Camelot his whole life! He hates magic more than anything! You'd be dead if you ever told him!" "I'm going to be dead anyway." And with that his eyes flashed gold and Morgana flew against the back wall. "MERLIN!" She shouted and somewhere above his heart a light appeared. "AHHHH!!!" He fell to the ground. "I told you to never harm me!!! Now he will DIE!!" "No... That would be me." Merlin was calm through the obvious pain. His eyes went gold and Morgana fell to her knees. "Merls." She begged. "Merls I love you. He doesn't. Why would you die for him? He'd have you killed if he ever knew who you were." They were both turning pale. I wanted to move but I was frozen. "I know. But I love him. He's my world." They both stopped speaking and fell down fully. I finally was able to move and I scrambled to Merlin's side. "MERLS! MERLS! WAKE UP!" "Arthur.... I... love... you... I'm sorry..." I held him in my lap. "Don't die on me. Don't die on me Merlin!" He stopped breathing. Tears fell down my cheeks. He's dead. My love is dead.

I lifted him into my arms and left the castle. I kept walking until I found my horse. I rode with Merlin in front of me. I loved him. And it was my fault that he died. I made it to the gates of Camelot. Many of my citizens looked like they could be ill at the sight of Merlin in my arms. Merlin truly mattered to everyone. As I was heading to the physician's chambers I ran into other servants that had tears in their eyes. He mattered to them too. I barged in and Gaius was busy with a potion. "As you can see I'm busy-!!" When he saw Merlin his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "H-How? My poor boy!" I set Merlin down on the table and grabbed his hand. "What can you do for him?" "I don't know sire. I think you should rest." "Can't you use his magic to save him?! Do anything!!" "How-" "Can you use it to save him or not?" "I'll see. But you should check in with your new knights." "New knights?" "Yes there were some new knights walking with the Knights of the Round Table." "Those are the knights of Pax... But I suppose you're right." I left Merlin reluctantly and went to check on the knights.

When I reached the throne room Gawain was there alone. "Where's everyone?" I asked him. Lancelot spoke. "In their chambers. Gawain is out drinking... he's gone." He whispered to himself. "How much did you know about Merls?" I asked. I realized no one had ever heard me say 'Merls' it was always Merlin. "I knew that he had magic. I know that you're angry but he promised me not to tell and he'd never hurt anyone!" "I know... I saw him kill Morgana. He. He died to... to protect me. Me." "He was glad to be your servant till the day he died." "He could've taken over Camelot. He could've killed us all. He could've killed me." Lancelot did the most unexpected thing. He laughed! "LANCELOT!" "Really Arthur?!" He laughed again. "Kill you?! Oh you really are funny!!!" Confused I asked what he meant. "IS IT NOT OBVIOUS!!! HE LOVES YOU!" "H-How long did you know? Who knows?" "For like ever Arthur! And ALL the knights!" "ALL the knights??!!!" "Of course we know!! He's one of us Arthur! Our best friend!" "I need to check on him." "Arthur." "Yes?" "Where did you just come from?" "Being with Merlin." "So that means what?" "That I should check on him?" "No." "But Merlin!" "Arthur no." "Bye!!"

I left the room quickly but Gawain followed. "Arthur leave Gaius alone." "I won't even bother him!" "No Arthur." "Too late." I opened the door and stuck my tongue out at a gaping Lancelot. "Arthur you've been gone for an hour. What could've happened?" "Everything. Gaius is probably out getting stuff for him. I'll just keep Merls safe." "You just want to be with him." "I resent that comment." "Are you saying I'm wrong?" "Shut up."

I sat by Merlin's side and held his hand, not caring that Lancelot was there. "Merls." I said lovingly. "I'll be going now." He left. "Fucking lovebirds." I heard him mumble and I just laughed. "I love you Merlin. You never got to hear me say that. I should've told you." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Merlin's. "You died without knowing that I loved you... and that kills me."

Gaius entered the room with a strange man. "Who is this?" I stood and unsheathed my sword. "This is one of Agravaine's men. He can heal Merlin." "You can?" Princess Danielle burst through the door. "MERLIN!" She cried. Her knights rushed in after her. They stood protectively in front of Danielle, Merlin, and I. "Stay away Virion!" The man chuckled and Gaius backed away from him. "Agravaine knows of you and your brother Danielle. And he's so so sorry about Thomas. He also apologizes for Merlin. He made a deal with a lady sorceress, she denied him, but he won in the end. He always wins." "You'll have to kill me before I ever let you touch Merlin." I spoke honestly. "Okay." My throat began closing and there was a gasp. And a wave of gold. And then a single sharp scream. Merlin!

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