Nighttime adventures

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Time skip : Friday night

Wilhemina's pov

The week went by somewhat fine other than Lav's nightly meltdowns over Billie but she was usually easy to console if she was in her headspace but if she wasn't , oh bitch she was ready to start the next world war . Today was a pretty normal ass day but Lav had her meltdown in the morning before we went to work . After she had her little moment I thought she had gotten out her daily meltdown and the rest of the day she was pretty calm but just like every other night when we where laying down calming down to go to sleep she was laying across my lap on her phone while I was watching tv and she got off my lap and went over to her side of the bed and laid there with her back towards me . I thought she was just sad because this bitch always sad over something so I moved to lay next to her and wrapped my arm around her to comfort her but she threw my arm off her and moved farther away from me . I gave her some time to calm down but after 20 minutes of her laying there not saying anything I started rubbing her leg and let me tell you , bad move . She turned towards me slowly and looked at me for a few seconds and I thought she was gonna start crying but she started yelling and when I say yelling I'm saying like yell-ing . If we get a noise complaint I'm gonna tell the police to take her .


At the end of her not so little explosion she started crying and ran off the bed and into the bathroom locking herself in . I kinda had to pee but I guess it'll have to wait now...

Lavenders POV

To be honest I don't really know why I got so mad at Mina she was just touching me and I know she was just trying to make me feel better but when I felt her hugging me I felt so upset and I threw her arm off me and when she started rubbing my leg I just felt sick and I had to get her hand off me . I didn't think I was gonna start yelling at her but I got way too overwhelmed just by feeling her hand on me that I couldn't stop myself . I feel bad about yelling at her and locking myself in the bathroom but I can't just walk back into the room now as if nothing happened so I guess I'll just stay here until she falls asleep ? It's a stupid ass plan but I don't want to see her right now . I'm not mad at her just irritated with her but I don't know why . All day she's been putting up with me and calmed me down when I had a meltdown at 4 in the morning and now I'm the one irritated with her . I'm trying to cry as quiet as possible cause I know if Mina hears me she's gonna make me open the door and I honestly just can't deal with that or her right now . This past week anything she does has been annoying the shit out of me and I've been getting more and more mad at her every time . Last night when we where eating dinner she was chewing really loud and I thought she would stop after a while but to me her chewing only got louder and louder and I couldn't take it anymore and I threw my cup at her . Thankfully it was just a plastic cup but my water still spilled all over her and she was upset with me the whole night and wasn't really talking to me unless I said something to her first . I know why my moods been so fucked up recently but if I told Mina I think she would be even more upset with me than she already is . At the beginning of the week I flushed my mood stabilizers down the toilet when Mina was asleep because I didn't want to take them anymore and i thought I would be fine without them cause I had been so stable with my emotions . Well no shit I was stable it was the damn pills . The day after I stoped taking them I started going down . I guess my body got used to having them and that's why it freaked out the second I stopped taking them . I know Mina wouldn't be upset with me for having to take them and other meds but she would be if she found out I flushed the whole bottle of one of my more important medications . I stayed locked in the bathroom crying for a long time until I felt like Mina had fallen asleep and I shut off the light and very slowly opened the door so it wouldn't creek too much . When I peaked out from behind the door the room was dark other than the string lights I made Mina put up and the light coming from a streetlight since Mina liked to sleep with the window open and she was laying on the bed and looked like she was asleep so I snuck out of the bathroom and ran out the room as fast as I could while still staying quiet . When i was downstairs I turned on the hallway light so I wouldn't fall down the stairs and bust my ass while trying to sneak out . I went down the stairs as slow as possible and jumped over all the steps I knew where creaky and finally got downstairs . I grabbed my purse but remembered I left my damn phone upstairs so I was praying I had my MP3 player in my purse and thankfully I did so I didn't have to go all the way back upstairs . I grabbed my purse and a diet coke that I made Mina buy from the fridge and snuck outside as quiet and quick as possible leaving the door open a little so it wouldn't make a loud ass noise when i had to open it again . When I got outside I sat on the little steps in front of the house and stayed looking up at the sky feeling the cold air calm me down since I felt like my body was 1000 degrees since I worked myself up crying . I finally remembered why I came outside and reached in my purse pulling out my mp3 player and putting on some music and dug through my bag until I found my pack of cigarettes and my purple lighter that i of course bought in honor of Mina . I know for a fact Mina hated smoking because whenever Billie would pull out a cigarette Mina would make her go outside because she "hates that weird shit" so if she catches me she's gonna be pissed . But she's not gonna catch me

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