chapter 2

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As he carries you through the forest and mountains you stare up at his face. He is actually quite handsome. You think. He then looks down but you don’t look away. He must have seen me starring. He then says “we’re almost there” you sigh in relief. But then you feel extremely week and the stinging feeling in your stomach get worse. If I could just close my eyes for one moment, maybe I won’t feel as tired. Then you close your eyes. But then he shakes you and yell’s “you need to stay awake!!” you just growl in return. He sighs and stops. “I’m trying to save you here. You might as well work with me. You could’ve died in that cave if it wasn’t for me!” you sigh and open your eyes “Okay I’m sorry I’m just very tired” he then continues to walk.

After what seemed like hours the man stopped and lays you down on a hard rock. He then walks away and throws what looks like a rock to another man’s head that was lying on the ground. “What the …. Why did you wake me and where is the …….” He then looks at you and you look back “What is this, KILI?” he asks the other man who you now know as Kili. Nice name. “This FILI is someone I found who is badly injured and WE need to help her” Fili and Kili they must be brothers. Then a wave of pain hits your body and you feel like you’re going to faint. “Guys, please help” and the last thing you see are the two men running toward you with a look of shock plastered on their face.

You wake up to the sound of the birds singing and the trees rustling in the wind. And the feeling of the warm sunlight on your face.  You wish this moment would last forever. but you know that when you’ll just move an inch you will cringe in pain of the wound in your stomach. “d’ you think she’s dead” “ neh look she’s still breathing” then you remember the two men Fili and Kili. The brothers. Well that’s at least what you think they are. “when Is she finally going to wake up. She is slowing us down! Why must you always try and play a hero KILI WE WILL BE LATE !!”  yeah they are definitely brothers “I  COULDN’T HAVE LET HER DIE. IF YOU WHERE IN MY SITUATION YOU WOULD’VE DONE THE SAME THING!!” Then from what you can hear they attacked each other.

Wow this couldn’t have gone any better. Two fighting brothers and I must rely on them to help me stay alive wonderful! Well it was time to open my eyes anyway.

So you open them and see the two men…. No they are more like ….. boys, laying on the ground trying to win a wresting battle. Now for the first time you can see them in sunlight. The one that saved you, the one with long dark hair and no beard and  from what you can see he has brown eyes. The other one which is you guess the older one has long  lighter hair and a not so long braided beard and blue eyes.

The older one is pinning the younger one to the ground and laughing in victory. But then the younger one hits him in the stomach. And now he is on top. You laugh at how silly the look. And they abruptly turn their heads to look at you. And you abruptly stop laughing but you couldn’t hold back some giggles so you just sit here giggling and laughing  like a mad man. They just stare at you in awe.  Like they are wondering what you are laughing about. They then look at each other and get of each other and stand up very quickly. Both of their faces are as red as tomatoes. Then you stop laughing and calm down because your stomach stings a little.

Just a little??!! What is this! You felt like you where dying and now it’s just a little sting??

Then you dare to ask “for how long was I out?” they look at you and the younger one starts to stare in to the distance mumbling numbers. The older one elbows him in the side “ ohhhwhaa” he wasn’t expecting that and he tumbles over. You giggle at the site. And the older one smiles at you and says “ well miss my name is Fili and this idiot here is my little brother Kili”

ha I was right they ARE brothers and he IS the oldest one

. “ and you, lass where out for …  one … two..” “ seven” it was kili “ you were out for seven days” your eyes go wide in shock. Seven days,  SEVEN !!! “THAT’S A WHOLE WEEK !!” you say in shock. They both nod and laugh a little at you remark. “yes we know that seven days is a week”  Fili says. “ hahaha” you laugh sarcastically. Then your stomach growls “ hahah you hungry lass?” Fili asks “ well I haven’t eaten for seven days so I guess yeah” fili walks away to a little fire which has a pot hanging above of it. It is then that you notice that kili is still on the ground staring at you. To be more specifically at your ears. Ohh no the spell probably wore of no no no !!. when fili comes back with a cup of soup and sits down next to Kili. Kili then sofly elbows Fili “what” he responds then Kili leans over and whispers something in his ear, Fili’s eyes widen in shock and lets the cup of soup fall out of his hands . Ohhh noo oooh no I’m going to die after all. And what a waste of that soup I’m so hungry!!

They both stand up and Fili then picks up his sword that has been laying on the ground and point’s it at your neck. You swallow hard. “ Now lads there is no need to point a sword at me, is there now hahahhaa” you try to laugh it off but it doesn’t seem help.  Fili then moves the sword up to your ear and with it removes the strands of hair covering it .

Well there was no chance I could’ve kept it a secret any way.

 You sigh in defeat. “I’m not a full blood elf if that’s what you’re wandering” the both sigh. And Fili lowers his sword.  The soup why did he drop it!! You are starting to get very hungry by now. “ then what are you?” kili asks. “gahh” you sigh. “ that is such a long sto” “ tell US !” Fili orders you “ we have all the time in the world” he gives you a sarcastic smile. You growl at him. “well then might as well tell you. Uhmm where to start …. . . . . . . . . . yes well my mother is an elf and my father is a dwarf. And even though elves and dwarves have hated each other for a long time. My parents did not. And so here I am “ you tell the wide eyed boys. You laugh at how silly they look” and you two are probably dwarves”  if it could their eyes became even wider then kili whispers to Fili “ how did she know that” “because you are too short to be human, you don’t have pointy ears nor do you have big hairy hobbit feet and your hatred for elves explains everything.” You say and they just stare at you in awe.




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