chapter 5

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Kili’s p.o.v

It was still early as you and Fili sit by the fire. Fili was stirring in something he called “soup”. Your stomach growled. It had been almost 2 days since you had something proper to eat, which was because in these parts of the foods there aren’t that many animals. So Fili went out searching and came back with some weird looking herbs and plants.

It was quiet, none of you were talking and both of you are watching the girl sleeping against the rocks. Her skin looking even paler in the morning sun and her hair white as snow. You couldn’t wait for her to wake up but is has been 6 days since that night and you where actually losing hope she would survive. Even though her wound was healing rather quickly. She hadn’t moved since yesterday. If you wouldn’t know any better you would think she was dead.  You sight heavily. And look back at Fili, who was looking in the little pot above the fire with a disgusted look on his face. You went back to staring in the distance.

After half an hour or so the “soup” was ready. Fili handed you a bowl. As the scent of the mixture reaches you nose you are about to throw up. “OH MY!! …. This smell disgusting!!” you say as you stare into the thick light brown goo. “Shut up and just try it!!” Fili snaps at you. You are about to bring to spoon to your mouth and take in the foul taste of the goo. Then a rabbit jumps into the open spot and you and Fili stare at the rabbit. Fili whispers “you know what I would really like right now? Rabbit stew” you put down the bowl and reach for your bow lying on the ground. “Rabbit stew it is” As the arrow slices through the air you can already taste the stew. It is a hit and the rabbit falls to the ground. 

Sometime later the stew is ready and you and Fili enjoy the stew as if you hadn’t eaten in a week. “How many days do we have left?” Fili asks you. “We have ten days left” you answer him. He sighs deep and heavily. “D’ you think she’s dead” Fili then asks you nodding at the girl“neh look she’s still breathing” you say as you point to head stomach slowly moving. “When is she finally going to wake up? She is slowing us down! Why must you always try and play a hero KILI WE WILL BE LATE!!”  Fili yells at you. Shocked at the sudden hearted towards yourself you yell back “I COULDN’T HAVE LET HER DIE. IF YOU WHERE IN MY SITUATION YOU WOULD’VE DONE THE SAMETHING!!” Fili growls and then lunges toward you and tackles you to the ground. You try to get on top of Fili but you fail. Then you roll out underneath him and pouch him to the ground. You are already smiling in victory but before you know it your are being pinned to the ground by Fili. He laughs in victory as you struggle underneath him. You then hear a high pitched laugh and you turn your head to see who is laughing.

It is the girl!! You are relieved to see that she is finally awake. She tries to stop laughing when she sees that you and Fili are looking at her but her attempt fails and she starts giggling like a mad man. You smile at how happy she looks. Then you realize Fili is still on top of you and turn you face to look at him and he looks at you. Than as fast as you can you get off and stand a few feet away from each other. Fili is as red as a tomato and you could swear you are to.  Her giggles die down and she looks confused verging on scared, her eyes as wide as possible. She then asks “For how long was I out?” you have been dreaming to hear her voice again and now when you do you can’t help the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. Then you stare in the distance and try to count the days. You weren’t expecting to get elbowed in the side and you stumble over“ohhhwhaa” she then tries to hide another giggle.

I could get used to that. You think to yourself not even upset that Fili elbowed you.

Fili then walks closer to the girl and says “well miss my name is Fili and this idiot here is my little brother Kili” 

Idiot?? IDIOT?? How dare he. He is the idiot!!

Fili then continues “and you, lass where out for … one … two...”

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