Chapter 4

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Kili’s p.o.v.

Keeping watch is quit boring. Fili is asleep so you sit alone and look at the stars and the moon waiting for it to become day again.  You wonder what the girl was doing alone in the forest.  Why would she have come here all on her own?  And how did she even get here? She has no horse or pony and no supplies at all.  You look at her she looks so at peace. If it wasn’t for her chest moving slowly up and down you would think she was dead. Then you hear something in the bushes. You grab a sword and move towards it. You hear it again it’s a soft rustle, you move closer. As you push the branches aside you can see a rabbit running away. You sigh in relief and walk back to where you were sitting. ‘Just a rabbit’ you say to yourself.

You look back at the girl she now looks restless and is moving in her sleep. You slowly move over to her. She then shoots up from her sleep and there is a look of fear plastered on her face.  “ shhhh.. . . it’s alright you’re safe now” you try and calm her down. Her breathing is loud and fast you move closer and place your hands on her shoulders. You look her in the eye “its fine your safe” you say and it seems she is beginning to calm down. It’s only now you notice that only one of her eyes is blue, as blue as the sea and the other one is white. She is blind on one eye. You move your left hand and place it on her cheek  “are you blind?. … .  On this eye” you ask. She slowly nods in response. “Alright, you should rest go back to sleep” you say as you softly push her shoulders down. She still looks frightened and resists to move. “It’s okay I won’t hurt you” then she lies back down. “Thank you for saving me” she says. Her voice sounded like that of an angle, soft but strong and most of all beautiful. “It’s fine now rest, nothing will happen I will watch over you” you say and she closes her eyes.

She is the most beautiful creature you have ever seen. Her long white hair flowing down her back in a braid and her eyes . . ..  . .  Wow they are incredible. But most of all her voice. What she said kept repeating its self inside your head. All night long until you fell asleep.

You wake up to Fili jelling your name “Kili, KILI YOU IDIOT!!!” his voice booms through the woods “what is it?” you ask

“YOU FELL ASLEEP!!!” he sounds really mad.

“Oh yeah . .. . . . I guess I did” still laying on the ground with your eyes closed.

“Did anything happen?” you ask.

“No” there was a pause and you smirk “BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING!! WE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLD IN OUR SLEEP!!!!”

“But we weren’t” you open your eyes and see Fili standing in front of you with his face all red in anger. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again”

After some more insults from Fili you had breakfast and fed the ponies.

“Fili I forgot to tell you she woke up last night” he looked at you in disbelief.

“No she did not, I would have heard you talking” he says matter-of-factly. You let out a loud laugh.

“Only hitting you in the face will wake you up, and I’m not lying she did wake up”

“Well what did she say?” he asks.

“Not much she woke up scared and I tried to calm her down and she went back to sleep”

“You didn’t even ask for her name??”

“No but she has one blue and one blind eye” you say. Fili just gives you a disappointed look.

The next 6 days were quit boring the only thing we did was hunting, gathering fire wood and cleaning her bandages. She didn’t even wake up again. you mised her her voice, her eyes it was sad that this happend to her but it did bring her to you.



i'm soooooooo sorry for not updating any sooner but i was sick and last week i had school musical and now i have a week no school. but i an sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy.and i know its really short but i have so much homework to do cuz i was sick for like 2 weeks :( and i have like no inspiration at all :(

big thanks to nikita880 for helping me

and plese comment it makes me update sooner :P

greetings :D

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