Chapter 16

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Song: play me like a violin

It has been a week since Izuku left Bakugou's house, and his studies are going well. He has composed a few songs and written a few poems, but the bulk of the material is about Kacchan and his love for him.

He has been getting closer to Todoroki who is not dating Momo, but he is dating a guy named Sero who looks pale like Kacchan and even though he does not possess red eyes, his fangs do appear oddly sharp. Todoroki was dating a vampire without a doubt, no doubt about it, but Izuku didn't sigh because Sero is a vampire but because he thought it looked like a sign for him to be with Kacchan once more.

The texts between Izuku and Bakugou always conveyed a hint of nervousness, but Bakugou always texts Izuku to ask if he is okay, if he has eaten, and how his school is, which is really sweet of him. Whenever he receives a good morning text, he always wakes up with a smile on his face.

Izuku sighs as he mentally composes a lyric to the song that he has been working on. "It is not as if I have anything to lose other than friends and I will always have Kamiari and Kacchan so why is this so hard?"

It was lucky for Izuku that his dorm room was all to himself litteraly. When Todoroki asks Izuku if he can move out, Izuku a kind soul as he is replies that if Sero does anything wrong, he will die. Todoroki nods meekly in response. While he is aware that not all vampires are evil, he is trying to determine if Sero is one of the good vampires, and now that Izuku is thinking about it, he needs to ask Bakugou if he knows Sero.

Izuku learned from Bakugou that vampires don't transform into bats; it was just a myth, and vampires don't require that much blood for survival; a few ounces of blood per day is sufficient. It is also possible to mix a few drops of blood with water or wine. Furthermore, they have this fetish that causes them to become overly arouse by blood and they are unable to control this behavior because it is a vampire fetish. This is known as Hematolagnia. Nevertheless, Bakugou only told Izuku that this only happens with a lover

Bakugou also answered Izuku's question: "Where do they get the blood from?" with great detail. Bakugou made sure to provide Izuku with as much detail as possible so that he wouldn't feel intimidated.

Sitting in his room, Izuku is writing a poem. All he can think of is Kacchan, how Kacchan treated him like a fucking queen, how careful he was around him, yet always caring about him more than he could ever imagine.

Izuku sigh and close his "This fire in my heads got me on edge" Izuku sang as he look at the window "I'm going out tonight"

"Faded on a thread, Don't know whats next" Izuku close his eyes and lean his head on the chair. "I wanna feel alive"

"I Kiss a vampire in a black suit" Izuku sang those words because he remembers the first time he saw Bakugou wearing a suit during their first date and was quite impressed at how beautiful he looked. Who knew vampires had such good looks? "He put a grown on top of my head" Izuku remember how Bakugou treat him like a queen.

"said every queen needs a King in his bed" As Izuku reflected, he remembered how Bakugou treated him in bed and how arousing it was to see Bakugou enjoy himself in bed without ever taking his eyes off Izuku as if he were the most precious thing on the earth.

"I said, Hey Boy, Hey boy I'd like to stay here for a while"

"Just you and I" Izuku imagining how it will be like just the two of them alone.

"Far from the places we cant get away from" Izuku slowing picking his answer without realizing it.

In the end, Izuku could think of nothing more to say as he had already given the answer he was looking for. He smiled to himself and let out a breathy laugh as he couldn't believe it.

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