Chapter 52: Stay A Little Longer

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*Eclipse walks in the room.*
-Galaxy: "I was just telling Stars that I have to take a trip to SunValley."
-Eclipse: "To the princesses I'm guessing?"
*Galaxy nods her head.*
-Eclipse: "Then it must be important."
*Eclipse puts his hoof around Galaxy.*
-Eclipse: "You sure you can't stay a little longer?"
-Galaxy: "I'm sorry, I can't. I have to go as soon as I can."
-Eclipse: "Okay, I understand. Hey Stars, you know what this means?"
-Stars: "What daddy?"
-Eclipse: "This means we get to have a daddy-daughter day!"
-Stars: "Yaay!"

The CorruptionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ