Chapter 107: Do It Together

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Cotten Candy walks up to Diamond.

-Cotten Candy: Well, we could figure this out together. How does that sound?

Diamond looks at Cotten Candy, then nods her head in agreement.
Cotten smiles and hugs Diamond with joy. Diamond still feels uncertain that they could help. But, at least she wasn't gonna be keeping this to herself.

-Diamond: Thank you Cotten. And hey, this might help with my mental health right now.

Cotten and Diamond stopped hugging, and Cotten asked Diamond a question.

-Cotten Candy: What do you mean?

-Diamond: The parasite has the ability to hurt me mentally. She makes me feel weak, hitting me in every weak spot I have.

-Cotten Candy: Oh, I had no idea the corruption had that power. Do you think that's why NightMare did what she had done with Brownie?

-Diamond: I believe so. It's the only reason I can think of.

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