Chapter 114: Planning Royal Help

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Galaxy soon got to the castle to warn the princesses.

-Velvet Sunset: Galaxy, it's nice to see you again.

-Galaxy: I wish I was here for a good reason, but sadly, I have bad news.

Galaxy told the princesses everything that was happening to Diamond.
Velvet Sunset and NightShine got up and thought of a plan.

-Velvet Sunset: Sister, stay here. I'll go help the others.

-NightShine: Yes, one of us needs to stay here and keep things in order.

-Velvet Sunset: Okay Galaxy, have they found Diamond yet?

-Galaxy: No, and NightMares whereabouts are unknown to us as well. But according to Golden Sparkles, her dark powers have started to change in some way.

-NightShine: We'll, let's hope they're going away instead of getting stronger.

-Velvet Sunset: With this Corruption, we will need to be cautious. Never underestimate its power. If it's powerful enough to take control of Diamond, well, let's just hope we can save her.

-Galaxy: Yes, let us not loose hope. We need to fill her with the hope that she has lost. Hopefully her sanity has not gone as well.

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