Chapter 96: Bumping Into The Right Person

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Diamond makes her way back into Leafee Woods, trying to find Golden Sparkles. Her headache then hits her hard, with a whispering voice. She then runs into the pony she was searching for.

-Golden Sparkles: Diamond? Shouldn't you be in the hospital?

Diamond gets nervous, but continues on.

-Diamond: I was actually looking for you. I need to know what happened after Velvet Sunset left with me. Did you capture NightMare?

Golden Sparkles gets nervous, sweat forming on the side of her face.

-Golden: Well..... something happened, I can tell you that.

-Diamond: What? What is that supposedly mean? WHERES NightMare?!

Diamond said that in a tone of harshness, and felt bad.

-Diamond: Sorry, I'm just really on edge here. Please, I need to know.

Golden Sparkles let out a sigh.

-Golden: It's okay, I understand. Let us go somewhere where we won't be heard.

The two head a bit into the woods, then sat down.

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