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you guys should know that, yes, this still is a zaylena story dont worry. just changing it a bit giving it a little excitement lol. so dont be confused by douglas and selena

oh and there's a little close up of douglas :3

Selena's POV

"I am not." I glared at him.

"Well love, to me you are. And there's no doubting it." He smiled at me at heat rose to my cheeks.

"Thank you." My palms started sweating again.

"Now about yesterday, what did you mean when you said 'us'? Clearly your relation towards my cousin is something." He said with a smile which made me smile, but then it disappeared.

"It was something, to him that is. To me it's everything." I started off looking down at my hands. "Zayn and I...we were in love as you might say. Funny hearing that the legendary Zayn Malik was in love, huh?" I gave a little chuckle.

"Selena I'm not forcing you into telling me this, you can stop-"

"No, no. I feel like I need to tell someone this, so this heavy weight on my shoulders will be lifted." I looked up at him smiling.

"Alright, no pressure." He lifted his hands up in defeat as a waitress came to our table with our drinks. We thank her and went back to talking. "So what happen?"

"Well after being in love with each other for more than a few months, he left. Just like that." I snapped my fingers, "he didn't call, or sent me a heads up. I lost a lot of weight, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. I sat on my couch everyday praying that he'll come. But he didn't. I put my faith into thinking that he'll come back. How stupid is that?" I laughed while my insides were burning.

"I don't think it's stupid. You trusted him and you still did after what he did to you." Douglas put his hand in mine for reassurance then took it off.

"I don't blame him for leaving actually, I mean after all he is a prince with duties to take care of, I blame myself for being too clingy. Next thing I knew he was already engaged when we were together." Tears brimmed my eyes.


"No I'm fine. Enough about me, what about you? How did you end up being an orphan? No offense." I asked changing the subject and he smiled.

"Well I'm not so sure myself. My biological mother she worked for the Royal family at the ranch as I've been told. One day when she had me and passed away giving birth. I didn't have a father. All I know is that I was put in an orphanage ran by the royal family and one of the previous king's sister had a miscarriage, that's where I come along as Zayn's cousin. Well adoptive cousin." He chuckled while I sipped on my tea.

"How old where you when you were adopted?"

"Five. I had a childhood at the orphanage, the day they adopted me I didn't want to leave but I knew that I had to. For the sake of the orphanage that's was about to shut down." I smiled at his story.

"What happened to the orphanage?" I asked as flashes from the corner of my eye started to appear. I looked out the window and they stopped. Weird.

"Oh it's still standing, and it's owned by yours truly." He wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh. Out of nowhere his phone rings. "Oh sorry, if you'll excuse me for a moment."

"No, no take your time." I reassured him, he nodded and walked outside answering the call.

I watched him talk on his phone, furrowing his eyebrows while listening to the person talking. He open his mouth to speak with a serious expression on his face.

I drank my tea waiting for him, looking out the window. Once Douglas came back inside the cafe he looked angry.

"Is everything alright?" I asked putting my cup down on the saucer. His face soften as he heard me speak.

"For now, it is." He smiled and sat down.

"Well whatever it is, hopefully it'll work out." I gave a big smile.

"I don't know how my cousin gave up a girl like you, just for a kingdom." Douglas put his chin on the end of his palm and looked at me.

"Maybe next time you could ask him. After all you guys are merely rated." I laughed.

"But in total honesty, why haven't I met someone like you before?" He said lightly shaking his head. "Where were you hiding?"

"Maybe you should be a better seeker next if you want to know where my hiding place." I smirked leaning forward, my face five inches away from his. A flash came from the window, but I chose to ignore it.

"Maybe I should." He said seriously then grin with his eyes crossed, making burst out of laughter.

"You sure are something Douglas. Makes me wonder why don't you have a lady?" It seemed like a appropriate question at this time.

"I guess I'm waiting for the right person." He shrugged.

"Well then, I bless the girl that you'll call yours." He chuckled.

"You'll be blessing yourself then." It took me a moment to realize what he just said.

Once I did, my eyes widen and my cheeks burned. I covered my face in my hands.

"No, no, no, no, no, you wouldn't want me as your girlfriend. Trust me." I lightly slammed my hands on the table.

"Oh well you don't know that. I don't want you to think that I'll be a rebound no. I'll give it time for you fall, into my arms." My heart tingled when he said that.

"Douglas...that's so sweet of you. But really a relationship isn't what I'm looking for right now." I sighed.

"That is why I would like to make a proposal." He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "Will you Miss Selena, be my most awesomest best friend in the whole wide world?" I laughed at his proposal. "Well?"

"Yes, I would be honoured to be your most awesomest best friend in the whole wide world." He grinned like a child and stood up from his seat and stuck out his hand for me to grab.

"Come my lady, for I, your most awesomest best friend in the whole wide world, will take you on and adventure." I laughed and took his hand.

We walked out of the cafe and into his car, for us to go on an adventure. The entire time Douglas made me forget one thing that I couldn't forget in months.

He made me forget that Zayn existed.

next chapter will have zayn's pov

and a little twist, have you guys wonder what are those flashes?



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