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the gif, omfg *cries* *dies*

Zayn's POV

It was Christmas and mother and father weren't home, they had to maintain some business issues in one of their companies out of the country.

Perrie went to her kingdom to celebrate it with her family, I'm grateful that she left. The only people here was only Luella and I, the workers were off on holiday.

I walked into her Lu's room and found her playing with Camelot. I smiled and closed the door behind me then sat on her desk chair. I cleared my throat.

"Zayn, I didn't see you walk in." I chuckled.

"Merry Christmas Lu, I didn't get you anything. How about you tell me what you want then I'll go get it." She nodded then stopped to think while Camelot chewed on his rubber bone.

"I want..." I lifted an eyebrow "Selena, for Christmas." My eyes widen to her response.

"Lu I can't get you Selena."

"Well I want her for Christmas." She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted with a grumpy expression.

That's when it hit me, Selena isn't celebrating with her family and I promised her that I'll be there. I guess I'll just bring Luella and Camelot along, it's going to surprise her.

"I can promise you that, but I do have a another gift." She grinned.

"You hear that Camelot? Selena and something else!" I shook my head as Camelot barked while wagging his tail. "When can I get it?"

"Well I'll need you to pack clothes for a night and morning. Your present will be there." She jumped from excitement and started rummaging through her dresser. I laughed and left the room to prepare my own belongings.


I finished packing my things into a duffel bag and decided to call and tell Selena.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts, my finger landed on her name and tapped it once calling her number immediately. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hello? Zayn?" I heard her yawn.

"Hey love, did you just wake up?" She laughed on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, like ten minutes ago. I'm just tired. What's up my prince?" I loved it when she called me that.

"Nothing really, I was just wondering if I can come over, with a few guests. Probably stay the night there." I waited her to respond, hoping she'll say yes.

"Of course, when are you coming over? I'll have Seraphine make us snacks." She yawned again, it's was really cute.

"You sound really cute when you yawn you know," I chuckled and smirked knowing that she's blushing right now. "And I'll be there in maybe around twenty minutes."

"Alright, I'll see you when you get here. Love you, bye."

"I love-" she hung up before I could say it. Well at least she said it, that counts. I smiled and put my phone into my jeans pocket then grabbed my duffel bag and walked out of my room to Luella's room.

I knocked and entered the room, which was actually clean for some reason. I don't think it was like this twenty minutes ago.

"Lu are you-"

"I'm ready! We're both ready." Camelot barked in agreement, he had a sparkly pink tutu on.

"Lu why does Camelot have your tutu on?"

"He looks pretty, doesn't he?" I shook my head and she groaned taking off the tutu, then stuffed it into her drawer.

"Come on Selena's waiting, and get a chew toy for fluffy over there." Luella laughed and grabbed his rubber bone then walked out of the room with Camelot behind her.

We went into the garage, where all the vehicles are and I got the keys to my black Bentley Continental GT.

I put the bags in the backseat with Camelot sitting in the middle with his seatbelt on. Lu was in the passenger seat with her seatbelt on, she constantly squealed in excitement which led Camelot to bark in the back.

I pulled out of the garage and drive off to my beauty's house.


I parked the car in the parking lot, and turned off the ignition. Lu and I got off and went to the backseat to help carry the bags and free Camelot from his seat.

We put on Camelot's leash on his royal blue customised collar, and we walked into Selena's apartment buildings and we're lucky that she picked to live in a building where animals were allowed.

Lu ran into the lift, waiting for me with Camelot. Once I got in I told her to press the seventh floor.

"I'm so excited," Luella brought up and Camelot responded. As when arrived on the floor, Lu started to run out, which made Camelot run and headed towards Selena's door down the hall. "Come on Zayn! I wanna see Selena!" I laughed then walked towards them.

Luella immediately knocked on her white painted door multiple times. We all heard laughter from the other side of the door and knew that Selena was coming.

The door swung open and revealed my beauty in a cream coloured sweater and pyjama pants. My little sister threw herself at Selena, same goes with Camelot. He doesn't know her yet it I know that whatever Luella does he does too.

"I missed you too," she gave a tight hug then let Lu's tiny body go "and who do we have here?"

"This is Camelot our family dog, he's so fluffy and cute, don't you think?" Selena nodded and started ruffling Camelot's hair, making him wag his tail and bark.

"Come on in guys, Seraphine made snacks." She stepped away from the doorframe and we entered.

"Zayn what's my other present?" I dropped our bags on the couch, and smiled.

"Well you got Selena," the brunette looked at me and playfully gasped, "might as well tell you now, you're other present is that you, Camelot and I will be staying here for tonight with Selena." As soon as I said that, Luella screamed.

"What's with all the commotion?" I heard Seraphine say, from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy right now." Luella apologised and made Seraphine laugh. "Now we get to spend Christmas as our own family!"

Selena and I widen our eyes, then chuckled. She came up to me and wrap her arms around my torso, nuzzling her face into my chest. I locked her body in my arms and kissed the top of her head.

She looked up and gave me a sweet tender Christmas kiss. I kissed her back and once we pulled away her eyes were shining.

"Merry Christmas, and what was that for?" She laughed then pecked my lips. She pointed at the ceiling and I looked up and there it hung.



updated i say this is boring idk about you guys.

enjoy, and school started -.-"


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