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Just so you know, the story is modern so they'll have modern technology you know what I mean not like the ancient technology a few centuries ago.


Selena's POV

"Selena darling would you please pass me the pepper dear?" My beloved mother asked while cutting her steak into bitable pieces. I passed her the pepper shaker and she took it from my grip.

Our family was having dinner peacefully, all gathered in our huge dinning room which was a waste of money to spend on redecorating. I looked around the table, there was me, Selena, 18, my elder brother Leo, 20, eating while listening to music in his phone which has the genre of rock, pop rock and punk rock; sitting beside him my younger brother, Titan,16, eating while humming to some tune and last seated next to me was the youngest Ryder,13, done with the food and playing or texting on his phone.

"Yes! Bonus points!" Ryder jumped out of his seat and fist pumped the air making my father chuckled and my mother smile while my other brothers laughing; Ryder suddenly realize what just happened and his face redden as he slowly sat back down. "Sorry, but I just defeated the war lord." the laughter of my two brothers died down as their jaws dropped.

"There's no way in hell can you defeat him, he's unstoppable." Titan said in disbelief until Ryder showed him his phone, Titan snatched the phone and brought it up to his face with Leo next to him. Well Leo was never interested in games but when it comes to Ryder then he would do anything to make the little one happy.

"I knew you would beat Titan, way-to-go Ry." I whispered to him, lightly ruffling his dark brown hair. "Well dinner was delightful. May I be excused?" I looked at my mother waiting for a response, she nodded then took a sip of her red wine. I got up and walked out of the dinning room and made my way up the modern grand staircase we had, and walked to my king size bedroom.

I laid on my modern king size bed and staired at the ceiling. Why can't I have a normal life? I thought as it was being cut off by the sound of marching footsteps outside. I got off my bed and opened my balcony door and step into the daylight, the footsteps were close which meant someone important is here in our nieghbourhood. I turned my head to the left and a black shiny limousine came into view, the footsteps were gone and all was left was the sound the engine of the shiny limousine, it stopped in front of our house which of course was huge.

What do I have to say? Being the daughter of a rich counselor I have to expect my belongings to be fancy. Living the rich life, spend my parents money on pointless things they sold in the mall, having people to treat us in a serving matter, being looked up as a superior upon the poor, dressing in high class clothes referring to silk and cotton clothing, I hated it all.

Mother says that father is the reason for this wealth and to be grateful that we aren't starving and filthy like the poor. I would wear clothes like my brother in front of my mother and she would always tell me to change into something with more class. My brothers wear whatever they want and still no objections from my mother, sometimes I wish I could live on my own with the man I would love and do all the times of things couples do on a regular basis.

No one stepped out of the limousine yet, must be a really high class person due to the fact that their two bodyguards were not the kind my family has. These body guards wore black leather jackets, with black shirts and jeans, they wore combat boots that reached above their ankles. I caught a glimpse of something on their uniform, a logo I guess? You see every rich family had a family crest mine was a cross with a white rose and a heart in the middle and a crown at the bottom of the cross. (the crest on the side kind of sucks, but it's the best I found and liked)

Forbidden AffairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora