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It's been a little bit over a month and I haven't even started anything. I'm terrible omg but fuck it who cares, I'm a terrible person to begin with.

By the way: SEX SCENE (there will be no censorship so if y'all uncomfortable just skip most of this chapter until Zayn's part)

Selena's POV

It's been at least four months now and I really thing I should tell my parents because my bump is starting to show now.

Luca has been around more often, he has his own space in his closet for his clothes, he has toiletry products in the bathroom, he does work here. If anything he's practically moved into my apartment.

I'm not complaining, I love having him here. It means we're progressing in our relationship. I get to see him every morning, noon and night.

It is currently noon and Luca is working on the dinning table while I'm watching tv with Seraphine and slowly rubbing my belly.

"Not too long now before a new member of the family is born." Seraphine commented once she saw me.

"I'm a little excited but really exhausted, my hormones are going crazy. I can't contain them and I don't want to bother Luca about." I glanced at him from behind us.

"When was the last time you two were intimate?" She asked chuckling causing me to blush.

"A week or two ago." I averted my gaze somewhere else from embarrassment.

"It's normal dear. I'll tell you what. You two get at it." I widen my eyes. "Don't worry, I need to go to the market and do some small errands, I'll be gone for a few hours. Probably back in the evening." She winked.

"Thank you." I laughed.

Seraphine got up and patted me on the knee before going to retrieve her purse and shopping bag.

"You two have fun now, I'll be back in the evening in time for dinner." She announced as she walked out the front door.

"Is she going somewhere?" Luca stopped his actions on his laptop to ask.

"Grocery shopping and errands." I responded while getting up and walking over to Luca at the table. "What are you working on?"

"Just a project for the company. Some files here and there." He responded, his eyes glued onto the screen.

I stood behind him and placed my arms on his shoulders before leaving in to giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"So...when are you going back to work?"

"Well, today was a pretty relaxing day at work and all the things I need to work on are already on this laptop so I don't really need to go back to the office." Perfect. I want him inside me right now.

"That's good. Aren't you stressed out at all?" I rubbed his shoulders slowly. "You're really tense."

"It's been a little stressful this project but it's worth it." He chuckled before clicking save on the file.

"Did you save it?" I asked and he nodded before I extended my arm far enough to close the laptop lid with my hand. "Now that's out of the way. What do you say if I help you release some of that stress?" I whispered in his ear and I noticed the corner of his lip raised up.

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