××Chapter 1××

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Annabella was chasing after her younger brother playfully around their shared room when their mother came in with their favorite food. Jambalaya! As they looked over to the door, smelling the delicious scent, they saw their mother. Her dark skin, a shade like that of milk chocolate, glistened in the morning light as she lied the bowls down on their nightstand.

"Eat up! Alastor, you have school in 40 minutes, get ready. Love you!" She chirped, waving and pulling their door as she left. Annabella could see their father staring at Alastor, then at her, giving her a disgusted look as he slicked his light brown hair back and dusted off his red coat. She stuck out her tongue at him as he looked away for a moment.

"What happened, sis?" Alastor asked in his thick southern accent, changing his tone to sound more like his english father towards the end as he saw him glaring through the crack in their door.

"Nothing.." Annabella mumbled, looking back to her dolls and allowing Alastor to get changed. She looked as he ran out the door. He was wearing a white, tattered dress shirt and overalls with a red bowtie and brown, also tattered loafers. She sighed, wanting to go along with him to school. Sniffling, she walked over to the kitchen to see her mother getting screamed at by her father.

"Hey! Don't talk to my momma like that!" Anna yelled, running up to her mother and hugging her leg.

"Annie!-" Anna's mother started, only to be cut off by Annabella's father grabbing Anna by the collar.

"Stay out of this, brat! Before I REALLY give you something to cry about!!" He yelled, seeing that the small girl was tearing up a bit.

"Jonathan, stop! I am so sorry she intervened, but there is no need to do that! Go on, sweetheart. Go play with your dollies." Annabella's mother scolded, nudging her daughter out of the room. Jonathan snarled, walking out of the kitchen and sitting on the couch. The last thing Annie saw was her father chugging a beer before she slammed her door behind her.

"NO SLAMMING DOORS, BITCH!" Jonathan called. Annie sighed and sat down on her bed with her dolls.

"What will I do, Mr and Mrs. Dolly?" She uttered through her tears, looking down at the DIY toys. They were worry dolls. Tiny wooden dolls with string clothing and hair made from glue dipped in dirt. They had faces drawn on with one of Jonathan's markers. That move earned her a good slap. Father never slapped Alastor. Never. A few hours passed, Annie telling her worry dolls all of her troubles and then putting the dolls under her green throw pillow. She heard the door open and lit up, knowing that it had to be her brother.

"Al!" Annie called, running out to the door and hugging her brother. He hugged back, giggling, and unloaded his bag onto the ground. He took his papers and dragged Annie to their room, where he taught her everything that he had learned in class. It fascinated Annie, but also made her long for something she could never have.

×End of Chapter×

When We Were Human - Alastor And AnnabellaWhere stories live. Discover now