Chapter Four

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"Who changed you?"

Malaysia tried to ignore him, but when she moved, he was beside her within seconds, grabbing her by the forearm. His eyes narrowed after he grasped her chin and forced her to look at him. "You're Lennox's wife."

"Let me go!" Everyone in the store glanced at them. Obviously, he released her then, knowing that people would call the authority. "This man is crazy!"

Her manager walked toward them. "What the hell is going on? Alec, what the hell are you doing?"

Malaysia stared at her manager in utter disbelief, wondering how she knew the man who was the alpha of the pack residing in the city. Alec shrugged as if unbothered by everything. "This female seems to have recently been changed--You know well as I that she can't be on her own."

Her manager narrowed her eyes. "I'm well aware of your laws, but I'm also aware that she is the only female werewolf--What guarantees me that you won't hurt her?"

"Anastasia, don't intervene."

For a moment, Malaysia stared at her manager, perplexed.

Wasn't her name Monica? Wait a minute--Where had she heard that name before?

He went to grab her forearm, but Monica grasped his hand, which made him snarl, eyes glowing amber. Monica's hand appeared to begin to glow before electricity flowed through it. "Do not push my buttons, my friend."

Alec jerked free and without no other choice, left.

Monica shot Malaysia a smile. "I knew you smelled wolfish, but damn, I thought I was imagining things. It's been long since there has been a she-wolf."

"You!" Elias stood feet away, glaring. "I knew last time I came I recognized your---What the hell. Is that Alec's scent in the air?"

"Hello, Elias." Her manager walked toward the back room, gesturing for them to follow her. The second she did, her image changed. She no longer had brown hair, but bright scarlet. Her dark eyes changed to bright green that stood against her smooth, rich brown complexion.

"Break this curse now!" Elias demanded.

Finally, Malaysia realized this was Anastasia, the witch that had turned Elias into a child.

"Oh, love. Calm down before you get a heart attack."

"You had no right to do this to me! Now, change me back."

She moved and glared down at him. Of course, Elias returned the gesture, baring his fangs. "You should have never broken my heart."

"Broken your heart?" He relaxed and signed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Forgive me, but I was honest from the start. If you developed feelings for me, that's not my fault."

When her new cell phone began to ring, Malaysia answered to be greeted by Sierra's astonished voice. "Mal, Lennox just agreed to everything. What happened? Did you speak to him?"

"No...but I have an idea who did." She could hear Connor in the background. He did not sound happy at all and was saying to Sierra to tell her to leave work. Before Sierra could say anything, Malaysia said, "I heard him--I'm here with Elias, so I'll be okay. Besides, all I have is one more hour."

"Okay...please be safe."

"Hurry up and change me back--"

"I will once you agree to marry me."

Malaysia jerked her head in surprise toward Anastasia at her demand. "That's ridiculous---You can't force him to marry you."

Elias grabbed her hand and began to tug her out of the store. "Wait, I'm not done with my shift!"

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