Chapter 3

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"Good evening professor, how was your summer?" Kira mimicked, flipping off the passing third year who had just asked Professor Binns that very question. "Please tell me not all the Hufflepuffs do that."

"Don't shit on them for being nice Kira, just because you find no joy in it," Wendy reprimanded, as she adjusted her blue tie, cursing at it. Aurelia swooped in to fix it, carefully tying it for her blonde-haired friend, as they approached the Great Hall, which had become seemingly quieter since they had last been at Hogwarts.

"Four more professors left during summer, my mother informed me," Kira whispered, pulling Aurelia and Wendy close as a group of seventh year Slytherin boys pushed past them, all jeering at her muggle-born friend. Aurelia flinched at their words, despite being so used to them, and Kira quickly directed them to the back of the Ravenclaw table, where a few sympathetic glances were thrown Aurelia's way.

"This dark magic business is becoming frightening," Wendy said in a hushed tone, glancing around anxiously. "My father is terrified because he doesn't understand. Though apparently with all the muggle killings going on, the muggle Prime Minister has been let in on what is truly happening."

Aurelia pulled her robes around her tighter as a chill ran down her spine. Fewer muggle-borns students graced the halls this year – only enough of them remained to entirely fill three or four classes at the most.

She glanced over to the neighbouring Slytherin table, searching for a certain pair of eyes, until finally, she landed on them.

Her cousin, Severus Snape, only nodded slightly, his face emotionless as he studied her face.

"Found him," she mumbled, and Wendy looked up, only to slightly grimace.

"He looks tired, Lia. Just as you do."

"It's what happens when you come from families who do not wish to look after you. Eventually, it tires you out," Aurelia muttered quietly, looking down to her hands. A tinkling against a glass at the head of the room quietened the students, and Minerva McGonagall smiled, albeit thinly, towards the sea of students, including the now approaching wide-eyed first years.

Kira spotted her younger sister Erin in the line, and the young girl smiled at the three Ravenclaw girls before heading up to the clump of first years that were standing in front of a battered stool. Erin stared up at the ceiling, in awe of the night sky depicted.

"Now, when I call your name, please come up and sit on the stool," ordered Minerva, and a hush fell over the Great Hall as older siblings watched their younger brothers and sisters be sorted, whilst only children refrained from shouting insults at rival houses.

"Matilda Bronson!" A young girl with auburn hair walked up to the stool with confidence, a bright smile on her face. The hat was placed on her head, and it only took seconds for it to decide.

"Gryffindor!" The table housing the Gryffindors roared with applause as the young girl skipped over to the table, being welcomed by Lily, Remus, and the other prefects.

"Jack Burley!"


"Ursula Fawcett!"


"Marcel Golding!"


The names of first years kept on being called out, and Aurelia looked around the room, her eyes lingering for a mere moment on the Gryffindor table, where her friends sat with smiles as they introduced themselves to the newest members of their house.

"Erin Truman!" Kira, Aurelia, and Wendy all anxiously waited for the young girl to be sorted, and she shot a smile at her sister before taking a seat.

"Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuff table broke out into polite claps, welcoming the young girl to the table, as Kira stared at her, completely confused.

"B-but my family has been Ravenclaw for generations! My mother will kill her for being in Hufflepuff!"

Aurelia and Wendy stared blankly at their friend. "What's with you and hating our friendly badger neighbours?" Wendy asked, placing her chin in her hands. Two of her many hand-made bracelets adorned her wrists today, one of pink thread and the other a mixture of yellow and green.

"They're always so... perky. Like they never have a bad day," Kira grumbled, flicking some of her hair from her shoulder. "It's not fair." She huffed a sigh, leaning her head on Wendy's shoulder, as Dumbledore rose from his seat, walking around to the lectern before the students.

"Welcome all of you, both old and new to the new year at Hogwarts. Whilst normally, I would firstly address Mr Filch's rules, I have the burden of telling you all that over the summer, Eleanor and Kasey Louderman of Ravenclaw house passed away."

Aurelia looked up, as tears sprang to the eyes of many sixth year Ravenclaws, including Wendy. Kasey and Eleanor had both been fellow muggle-born witches, two of the brightest witches in their year, and as many began to sob openly, Minerva, Pomona and Filius all descended from their seats to comfort the students.

"Let their deaths be a reminder of how precious life is. Both Kasey and Eleanor were bright witches with bright futures ahead of them, truly encasing the spirit of Ravenclaw. So, when this feast begins, keep them in your minds, and raise your glasses to them." With that, the food appeared on the tables, and at the Gryffindor table, James and Remus furrowed their brows, used to the usually long speeches.

Sirius had already taken down the enchantments all the boys had placed for their prank, deeming it the wrong time. Lily had a few tears streaming down her face, and for once, did not brush off James' arm from her shoulders, allowing for him to wipe away the tears.

"Just this one time, Potter," she whispered.

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