Chapter 9

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"The first Hogsmeade trip of the term," Wendy said with a happy sigh, as she slipped into a pair of her jeans. "Oh, how I have missed that place."

Kira rolled her eyes as she buttoned up her coat, securing her Ravenclaw scarf to her being, seeing as the weather had decided to rain all day. Aurelia had made sure to place enchantments on their clothing to keep them as warm and dry as possible, but extra layers were always a huge help.

"Wendy, you turn seventeen in November, and you are still excited by Hogsmeade, which your family took to you before you even came to Hogwarts. Is there something I'm missing here?" she asked, running her hand over her hair to fix the small afro she had grown. She changed her hair style every week or so, from braids to twisting curls down her back, to the current afro she sported.

"Leave her alone Kira, I think it's sweet she still gets excited," Aurelia scolded gently, slipping into her boots. She rummaged through her purse, only to find a scarce number of coins, all of which had come from Severus.

Her parents had never given her any money. In fact, they had never even accompanied her to Diagon Alley, and in her first year, Minerva McGonagall had escorted her, offering to purchase her required items. In the years after, Aurelia's books had always been posted to Hogwarts, where they awaited her on her bed, neatly packaged.

"Where will we go to today?" Kira asked, as the three began to walk up the staircase to their common room. She stood to the left of Aurelia, whilst Wendy strayed to the right, and nodded towards some passing students, all who waved or scowled because they despised her honesty.

"I'd like some warm butterbeer first, so definitely Madam Rosmerta will be on the list. Then perhaps that old bookshop next to Zonko's?" Aurelia suggested, to which Kira nodded.

"Anything for a good butterbeer has me in," she muttered.

Her two best friends laughed, and they walked out of their tower at an easy pace, not caring if they made it to 'rollcall', as so many new third years called it. They had been to Hogsmeade enough times that some of the shopkeepers knew them by name, especially Madam Rosmerta, who always had butterbeers ready for them.

"Ladies, how are we this fine morning?"

The three girls slowed their footsteps as James Potter came to Wendy's side, before walking in front of them, his back towards where the girls were headed. His hair was gelled back as usual, unable to confine the mess of curls atop his head, and he wore one of his quidditch jumpers, which proudly displayed his number.

"My tits are cold," Kira grumbled, and James laughed.

"You sound like Marlene," he observed, taking his glassed off to wipe the fog off them. "I think you two would get on like fire."

"Shove off James, I sound nothing like her. She's English you wanker, and I'm Scottish," a voice growled, before a hand hit the upside of James' head, followed by the tall and lean body of Marlene McKinnon, dressed in what Aurelia could only describe as a mixture between witch wear and muggle clothing.

She looked amazing.

Her platinum blonde hair was as long as Aurelia's though it curled in ringlets that all assumed to be natural. Her bright eyes darted towards all three Ravenclaw girls, stopping on Kira before she winked, looking her up and down. Even though she and Dorcas were known to be hooking up, Marlene had never settled down with anyone, proving to be quite the flirt to anyone she found hot.

"I don't believe we've ever been introduced," she said to Kira, sticking her hand out. "Marlene McKinnon, greatest Gryffindor beater you'll ever come across."

Kira raised a brow before accepting Marlene's hand giving it a firm shake. "Kira Truman, the best Ravenclaw seeker in the history books. I've seen you out on the field before, you once aimed a bludger to my face."

Marlene chuckled, before nodding. "I've been known to do that. Even Black has to block my bludgers sometimes."

She turned to James, but not before giving one last grin to Kira, who blushed like a madwoman. "Potter, I need your help with something," she said, lowering her voice. "It's about you know what, regarding you know who."

Aurelia took this as their cue to leave and began leading Wendy and a stunned Kira towards the moving staircases, having to drag Kira along quite literally. She spotted Lily and Alice waiting with Dorcas by the courtyard, and was quickly in front of them, finally letting go of Wendy and Kira.

"Ready for the annual butterbeer dates?" Lily asked with an infectious grin, jumping from foot to foot like she had ants crawling in her shoes. The Ravenclaw girls seemed confused as to why Lily was suddenly so cheerful, but brushed it off, especially as several of the Pure-Blooded fanatics left the castle.

"Onwards my loves!" Wendy cried, and they all laughed, stumbling around each other as they made their way to their beloved village.

Some residents of Hogsmeade tipped their hats politely to the six girls as they walked past, smiling at the happy faces the girls displayed. Many students did not smile anymore, especially those with muggle parents or muggle-born parents, but nothing could wipe the current smile plastered on Lily Evans face, as she led them into Madam Rosmerta's.

"Good morning, girls," the owner of the pub said with a cheerful nod, a tray of six warm butterbeers already in her hands. Kira took it from her with ease, and after Lily and Alice paid for them, they all sat down in the corner of the pub by the fireplace, their usual spot that Rosmerta always kept reserved for them on Hogsmeade days.

"Okay, spill, Evans. Why do you look like you've won Witch Weekly's Smartest Witch Alive?" Kira asked, lounging back against her chair with her arms crossed. Aurelia also looked at Lily, wanting to know the same answer, and sipped at her warm butterbeer, savouring the sweetness.

"Well, you see..." Lily trailed off, blushing an intense crimson. "James asked for a study date, and I said yes because I've been lying to myself for quite a while."

"No," Aurelia said, placing her drink down to clutch Lily's arm.

"Yes," Dorcas grinned, having had already heard this information.

"Jily is official?" Wendy asked with a quite excitement, and Lily looked up, her face now the same colour as her hair.

"It's just a study date," she muttered, but Aurelia placed her hand in the air.

"Bullshit Lily! This boy has been pining for you the past six years we have been friends! He is in love with you, and you saying yes to a study date is going to mean a lot more to him than just studying," she said, placing her feet across Lily's lap. "James will ensure this 'study date' is as perfect as it could be, I wouldn't be surprised if he brought your favourite snacks along and booked out the library just to be with you alone!"

Alice raised her eyebrows before sipping her butterbeer, surprised at how honest Aurelia's words had been. "She's not wrong, Lil," Wendy said, smiling warmly at the girl. "James is good, a little tedious at times, but he's good. Remus couldn't speak any more highly of him."

"Since when are you and Lupin so close?" Kira teased jokingly, and Wendy blushed looking down to her hands.

"Well since you were off with the quidditch team for a quick meeting, and Aurelia was off studying with Sirius, I took the liberty of going to the Great Hall to study and happened to run into Remus who just so happened to have the notes for Charms that I had missed! We sat down together, got into an easy conversation, and turns out, we have things in common."

"The Marauder boys really do love our little group. Lily and James are finally going somewhere, Remus and Wendy are friends, and Sirius and Aurelia will be married with children in ten years' time," Dorcas commented, earning a raised eyebrow from Aurelia.

"We've had four study sessions, Dor."

"And he walks you to your classes after you have a class together. And don't think I didn't see you with him a few weeks ago, during the full moon. He was smiling like James does with Lily!"

"I'm sure he smiles like that with everyone, Dor. I'm just his study buddy!" Aurelia protested.

"Study buddy my ass."

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